Hallo! ¡Hola! Join us at CiviCon NorthWest & South of Europe May 28th, 2015

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2015-03-31 13:17
Written by
Anonymous (not verified) - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
We are really excited about having two CiviCon happening on May 28th in Europe, one on the Northwest in Amsterdam and other on the South in Madrid. It is a great opportunity to attend a regional conference where you will meet and learn from the people that make CiviCRM happen.
Attending any CiviCon is an excellent way to learn more about -and contribute to- CiviCRM, and  to meet the community, both for new CiviCRM developers or for those working and want to refresher on best practice and the latest tool sets.
The one day event in The Netherlands is aimed at everyone who loves, uses, works with, is curious about or thinks about CiviCRM in Scandinavia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and northern France. But anyone from another country is welcome too. CiviCon Amsterdam will be in the center of Amsterdam at The ABC Treehouse.
Madrid will host a line-up of sessions with essential presentations, workshops and panels highlighting real-world examples of nonprofits growing and sustaining relationships using CiviCRM, to help attendees to get the most from CiviCRM, for countries in the South Europe like Portugal, Italy and southern France. CiviCon Madrid will be held in the center of Madrid as well.
Both conferences will have interesting sessions for users and developers, and lots of experiences to share: CiviCRM users will share their experiences with you, a live helpdesk and an interesting mix of integrators, developers, users and newbies. Besides, in CiviCon Madrid edition you can join a one-day, practical training course covering the configuration, administration and everyday use of CiviCRM the day before the conference on May 27th.
If you are a program manager at an organization who wants to discuss you experiences and best practices with other CiviCRM users, if you are an integrator and have a great case study to share, if you would like to share your experience of implementing CiviCRM and how it has impacted your organization, please submit a session. Proposals are being accepted for both CiviCon as well as sponsorships to support the organizing.
Stay tuned for more details to come. We'd love to see you in Amsterdam or Madrid!
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