Establishment Committee releases Proposal for Elected Body

2019-06-11 11:34
Written by
RoseLanigan - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

After seven long months and over 35 conference calls, 65 Loomio threads, 15 Google Documents and 2 PowerPoint docs, we are done!

Firstly, I want to say thank you to my fellow members of the Establishment Committee for being such a diligent, collaborative and positive group of people to work with - Pete’s pragmatism, Erik’s philosophical musings and Andrew’s clarity of thought give a taste of what it has been like to wade through this phase of the CiviCRM project. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time we have been working together!

And it has been a challenge, with many discussions in favour of moving to Governance quickly and others for a more gradual approach. The outcome of advisory vs governance would have consequences for all other propositions, proposals and assumptions.

And so to the outcomes. We present the following document which answers the questions we were tasked with Proposal of the Establishment Committee as mandated by the community


  • In line with our mandate, we propose the creation of an elected Community Council, which will focus on long-term and strategic issues.
  • The Community Council consists of 11 seats elected from the community to terms of two years each.
  • The Community Council will work with the current Core Team members to identify and nominate people to lead Working Groups and an expanded Core Team.

We want to provide opportunities for people to ask questions about these proposals and to understand the implications; therefore there will be two conference calls held with members of the Establishment Committee on Friday, June 14, at 09:00 UTC and Tuesday, June 18, at 20:00 UTC where they will present the document and answer questions.

It has taken us longer than the two months we were initially given but our aim has always been to get this right and to give it the best shot at success by putting our best efforts into this task.

We are very hopeful for the future, and good luck to all who will be involved!

Call Details

Establishment Committee Q&A June 14th 2019 (First call)
Fri, Jun 14, 2019 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT

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Establishment Committee Q&A June 18th 2019 (Second call)
Tue, Jun 18, 2019 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM GMT

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This is an excellent piece of work based on my read-through. I'd like to thank and congratulate everyone involved. It has clearly involved a great deal of work to pull this together, and in my view it provides a robust platform for the future. Well done!