Midterm Update: Bootstrap for CiviCRM UI

2014-07-03 11:47
Written by
teja - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

I want to share some midterm updates regarding my GSOC 14 project- Bootstrap for CiviCRM

As many suggested that both the original UI of Civi and Bootstrap UI should co-exist, I took form elements as the basis and tried on re-working from original UI to Bootstrap UI and I have had some success in doing that.

Task 1:

My main task at the beginning of project was to map the templates files in the CiviCRM core for all relevant elements. I could find the files after some digging (Special thanks to Jeremy for helping me out). The Templates files are placed at civicrm\civicrm\templates\CRM

Task 2:

Once I found out the relevant files the main task was combining and integrating Bootstrap CSS file with CiviCRM css file. I wrote the styling in .less and compiled into .css and the file was placed in \civicrm\civicrm\css\civicrm.css
Once I have done that it was replacing in the front-end, I experimented changing the colour of text in the .less etc. and these were reflected in the front-end. This was my first milestone in the project.

Task 3:

Once the css part was being reflected in front-end, I starting to change the code of labels. In bootstrap all the elements are placed in containers so for that I had to locate the crm-container class which was at civicrm\templates\CRM\common\wordpress.tpl (I am working on WordPress so I have made changes in wordpress.tpl) By adding the wrapper class to the core I could reflect it in front-end.

Task 4:

Now I began working on the elements, beginning with labels and text boxes. As I could find the base code at templates/CRM/Profile/Form/Dynamic.tpl. I made some tweaks to the code like adding classes like form-control, control-label as needed in Dynamic.tpl file and I could customize it with Bootstrap CSS including dropdowns and checkboxes.  With this, bootstrap CSS was applied to all the text-fields with in the CiviCRM. These form fields scale smoothly across multiple screens and mobile screens in particular.

Some snapshots of the CiviCRM UI with Bootstrap’s CSS:

The desktop version of form


Form scaling across mobile screen


Goal for Upcoming week:

We have zeroed in on creating a custom QuickForm renderer to replace the default renderer with bootstrap styling. This has been a tough step to cross and I have been posting on the forum for help/leads on how to go about it. The discussions along with daily updates are available here

Any help/suggestions in this regard are welcome!

The github fork of the project is available here

I am confident that by the end of project, we will have all user facing elements bootstrapped!

I want to thank my mentors Emily Frazier and Nina Reyes for extending their total support when I have had any issues.

Filed under


This looks like exciting progress and I like the look of those screenshots. This is a really challenging project & I commend you for your work in the first half of the project. I know you still have some big challenges ahead & it seems you will tackle them with gusto.

2014-07-04 - 01:18

I genuninely believe that a fresher more modern UI will make a huge difference to take up of CiviCRM ultimately benefitting all orgs using it.

Just want to also add my congrats, this is really exciting to see and looking forward to where it will take us, best J