What are they talking about on twitter?

2011-08-05 05:57
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As a friday follows up of our research on how civicrm powered sites are visible on twitter, we did a casual textmining of the 1022 tweets that contains a link to an event, donation, petition or profile on one of 175 identified sites that use civicrm.

What are the words most often used on the tweets?

The bigger the word, the more often it was used in a tweet. These tweets aren't about civicrm, but about an activity (event, fundraising...) organised by an organisation using civicrm.


I used the fantastic R language for the previous report and this wordcloud. I'm glad we could contribute back a (tiny) feature developed for the cloud above and that it has been accepted. Before generating that cloud, we did remove stopwords (a, like, you, us, yours...), the users names (@xxx) and the links (http://bit.ly/xxx) to make the cloud more meaningful.


Help is the word that is mostly used (96 times), mostly because supporters ask their followers to help for a fundraising, or ask for help themselves ("Help us win our David and Goliath-like struggle against the Big Polluters! With your help we can win this round", "If you don't trust me to directly help the flood victims in North Dakota, donate here", "Help!! The people in Minot, ND need you! Help by donating to the Red Cross:","Help get polluters to do their fair share! Please RT this link to help us gather support" ...).

The other top words seems to be more linked to events (join, july, free, event) or petition (sign).

And, of course, the mandatory message about how you should Follow me on Twitter