Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Adds a custom data set to groups and adds a permission
Current Usage: 40
This extension provides a lot of additional features to CiviCRM's events. In particular, you will be able to configure events in CiviCRM, display/use that information in other remote systems and submit registrations for those events back to CiviCRM.

The general idea is that your organization's staff can do all relevant event configurations in CiviCRM. CiviCRM will then make this information available via its REST API. The extension's API also has built in logic and actions to receive and update registrations.

Any external system can interact with the API and display event calendars, detailed event information, registration forms etc. (this could be a remote system or the CMS your CiviCRM runs on) and also submit information entered by your constituents back to CiviCRM.

All of this requires that you have or set up an external system to act as a frontend for your event listings, registration forms etc. In case you would like to build your system based on Drupal 8 you will most likely want to have a look and/or use the CiviRemote Drupal module which includes a lot of pre-built features (https://github.com/systopia/civiremote).

Note that this extension may be used alongside regular CiviCRM event registrations - you can choose whether you would like to use the remote features or not for each event.
Current Usage: 38
Blocks a configurable list of message templates emails (such as contribution receipts) and optionally records them as an activity.
Current Usage: 38
Payment Processor for Spain's Payment Gateway called Redsys.
Current Usage: 38
This extension 'fixes' some configuration options that may have been set in English during the initial installation before you decided to switch to another language (or before improving/updating the translation files).
Current Usage: 37
Graph and list your last 6 months' CiviMail mailing performance statistics: deliveries, bounces, open/click rate, unsubscribes. View aggregate stats by day/week/month and optionally for a set of mailings (filtering on subject/mailing name).
Current Usage: 37
Provides an API for providing a wide range of custom content and forms for external websites regardless what technology the external site uses.
Current Usage: 37
This extension saves old emailaddresses, phone numbers and addresses for contacts in a specific tab (custom group).
Current Usage: 37
Adds a 'Refresh all dashlets' button to the dashboard.
Current Usage: 36
Allows you to specify that when two people have a particular relationship and one makes a contribution, the other is automatically soft credited.
Current Usage: 36
Data Explorer aims to provide an easy to use interface that can generate custom visualizations of CiviCRM data. The visualizations can then be added to the CiviCRM Dashboard, shared to external people without access to CiviCRM (using a secret key), or (eventually) as an HTML snippet that can be embedded in website content.
Current Usage: 36
Perform wealth lookups of CiviCRM contacts using the DonorSearch Prospect Research Service.
Current Usage: 36
Divides the Contact Dashboard into tabs for ease of use. Also allows display of profiles as read-only tabs in the Contact Dashboard.
Current Usage: 35
Intergalactic duct-tape to simplify the CiviCRM user experience. In other words, they are experiments and short-term solutions to try and simplify the CiviCRM interface, which can be highly subjective.
Current Usage: 35