Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Blocks a configurable list of message templates emails (such as contribution receipts) and optionally records them as an activity.
Current Usage: 44
This extension extends ckeditor5, adding custom bundles with specific editor plugins and custom configurations
Current Usage: 44
Provides the latest version of the API (Application Programming Interface) for CiviCRM. Api4 has been moved to CiviCRM core as of CiviCRM 5.19. This extension is now archived and will receive no further updates.
Current Usage: 44
This extension deletes mailings that are unscheduled after a period of days specified.
Current Usage: 43
Provides a page with information about your installation and server that can be helpful for diagnosing problems.
Current Usage: 42
A simple extension to provide a set of "Opt-in" communication preferences for use on forms (instead of the built-in "Opt-Out" fields).
Current Usage: 42
Adds a custom data set to groups and adds a permission
Current Usage: 42
Provides an API for providing a wide range of custom content and forms for external websites regardless what technology the external site uses.
Current Usage: 41
If you theme is already based on boostrap, civisualize works fine out of the box.

If you don't, enable this extension that will add the missing stylesheets so the default datavisualisations look better
Current Usage: 41
Payment Processor for Spain's Payment Gateway called Redsys.
Current Usage: 41
When mailings are archived, compile stats and tidy up the database details.
Current Usage: 39
Provides more logging and alerts around CiviCRM logins.
Current Usage: 39
This extension provides a generic way creating a message queue. This message queue could then be used
by other systems to retrieve changes from CiviCRM.
For example we can have a change message queue for submitting changes to an Outlook 365 address book. Every time a name of
a contact or its e-mail address is changed. A message is added to queue. Outlook 365 can then read message by message to process the
For developers it good to know that the queue used could be extended so that for example you can push the messages to RabbitMQ.
(RabbitMQ is an implementation of a message queue).
By default this extension comes with a CiviCRM Database Queue. This queue could be read with the API ChangeMessageQueue.get
Current Usage: 38
This extension 'fixes' some configuration options that may have been set in English during the initial installation before you decided to switch to another language (or before improving/updating the translation files).
Current Usage: 38