Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

This extension make it possible to crop and scale image fields in CiviCRM. For now, it works only with the default Contact "image_URL" field in contact records view/edit and profile view/edit.
Current Usage: 67
Integration with Xero online accounting package
Current Usage: 66
Displays the contribution progress bar widget on contribution pages, and provides an alternative embeddable widget.
Current Usage: 65
Provides several custom searches for Events
Current Usage: 64
This extension integrates CiviCRM events with Zoom meetings. As people register for events in CiviCRM they will be added as registrants to the linked Zoom meeting. When canceled from within CiviCRM, they will be removed from the Zoom meeting.
Current Usage: 62
This Extension logs CiviCRM Exports with who did it, what columns were involved and what entity ids were captured
Current Usage: 62
This extension allows members of the public to apply for Grants.
Current Usage: 62
The Activity Type ACL extension allows permissions to be set by user role to add, view, edit and delete Activities. If a logged-in user has a role that provides permission for a specific activity type, then they are authorized to do it for all activities of that type.
Current Usage: 60
SendGrid is a 3rd party bulk email delivery provider that features an Event Notification app (https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Webhooks/event.html) which is included with their service. This functionality was chosen to integrate as a CiviCRM extension because it's easy to configure what notifications you want sent, features basic HTTP authentication, requires just a "responder" or "listener" (this extension) to receive the notifications from SendGrid and add them to the CiviCRM database, and could be developed to be relatively agnostic of a specific organization and distributed to the CiviCRM community.
Current Usage: 60
An organic collection of extra functionality related to recurring contributions.
Current Usage: 59
Displays a warning when there are pending mailings and gives an approximation of the start time. Also provides a shortcut to run the Scheduled Job manually.
Current Usage: 57
Integrate Direct Debit payments using SmartDebit (https://www.smartdebit.co.uk/) with CiviCRM
Current Usage: 56
Ensures that the nickname field is always populated to allow users to confidently use the nickname token in email messages without having to worry about whether or not it is populated or use complex logic to fall back to another greeting.
Current Usage: 56
Processes AWS SES bounces and complaint notifications in CiviCRM. Uses native AWS bounce and complaint types instead of trying to match them to out of the box CiviCRM bounce types.
Current Usage: 55
This extension is designed to preserve the email reputation of your server and its IP by ensuring that all outbound email is sent from an address with the same domain as the System-generated Mail Settings From Email Address configured at Administer > Communications > Organization Address and Contact Info (civicrm/admin/domain?action=update&reset=1).
Current Usage: 55