Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Mailjetty provides a webhook bounce processor for Mailjet.
Current Usage: 2
Provides more information about mailing mailing engagements, such as how many people contributed successfully after clicking on a mailing link.
Current Usage: 2
This utility extension provides an API call to reformat Batch titles so that they sort correctly when used in report filters.

This is of no interest unless you use Accounting Batches.
Current Usage: 2
Restrict file upload if not of the type defined in Safe file extension. The extension also restricts file type upload on a specific custom fields defined in field settings.
Current Usage: 2
Shopify sync
Current Usage: 2
Provides an integration with the online community management software by Higher Logic (https://www.higherlogic.com/).
The typical scenario for integrating CiviCRM and Higher Logic is to provide a member-only community space for your members. Therefore, this extension will sync member details and member status to Higher Logic. The extension will disable their member status on Higher Logic when
their CivICRM member status expires (and re-enable when they renew). It works best with Single Sign-On integration, but it should not be required.
Current Usage: 2
Adds support for events in Form Builder. It does NOT add support for Event Locations or Price Sets, so is only suitable for simple purposes, e.g. a free online event.

When events are supported in core this extension will be deprecated.
Current Usage: 2
Adds functionality to capture Event Invitations responses.
Current Usage: 2
Functionality to change the Dedupe rule on different civicrm components that are hardcoded in the civicrm core. This extension provides a custom setting to change the duplicate or dedupe rule for the profile, civicrm contribution page, and UF match sync process.
Current Usage: 2
Use Monolog package for flexible logging from CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 2
Creates a new field, "Converted Amount", on contributions. When a contribution is made in a currency other than your "base" currency, the converted amount will be filled in automatically.
Current Usage: 2
Allows selected tagsets' tags to be inherited via relationships.
Current Usage: 2
Adds a scheduler view to CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 2
Clone any existing contribution to a new contribution, optionally omitting some properties, and optionally changing the value of some properties.
Current Usage: 2
Provides options and tools to migrate from activity revisions (Administer - CiviCase - CiviCase Settings - Enable Embedded Activity Revisions) to trigger-based logging (Administer - System Settings - Misc - Logging).
Current Usage: 2