Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Provides a way to keep Mailchimp Lists and CiviCRM groups in sync.
Current Usage: 1,056
This extension includes new features for Mosaico
Current Usage: 418
Process Bulk CiviMail responses for a variety of SMTP Services including: Amazon SES, Elastic Email and Sendgrid
Current Usage: 387
SMS API for CiviCRM to send sms through the API

Current Usage: 362
This extension enables you to use CiviCRM Mosaico templates with scheduled reminders, personal messages, etc. It does this by automatically copying each template from Mosaico to a CiviCRM "Message Template".

When you install the extension, all existing MosaicoTemplates will be automatically copied to MessageTemplates.

When you create or update a MosaicoTemplate, the corresponding MessageTemplate will be updated.

The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.
Current Usage: 352
Provides a report on upcoming birthdays and an API for sending birthday greetings via e-mail.
Current Usage: 325
Symbiotic fork of the CiviDesk Sparkpost extension, with a few experimental features.
Current Usage: 306
Provides tokens for any related contact for all available contact tokens (e.g., to get the employer’s first name or spouse’s birth date).
Current Usage: 269
A simple email reader, targeted for developers, when they have activated the 'Redirect to Database' option. Useful for debugging.
Current Usage: 189
This extension allows you to use DOCX files as document templates in many CiviCRM workflows. It also features development interfaces that allow programmers to integrate CiviOffice with other extensions.
Current Usage: 101
A simple user interface to help with creating personalised links when sending emails from CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 99
Provides bounce processing for users of Mailgun's SMTP service.
Current Usage: 85
This extension enables a user to query CiviCRM as an address book when using either Microsoft Outlook 365 Web and Desktop clients.
This extension generates a Microsoft Outlook 365 add-in which connects Outlook 365 to the CiviCRM site, this add-in can be deployed organisation-wide or on a per user basis.
Current Usage: 75
This extension allows multiple separate signatures to be attached to contacts, per contact and message type, i.e. letters and e-mails, each as plain text and HTML-formatted, as well as for mass mailings. Once created, those are available as tokens in each message and can be used within message templates.

When sending messages, those tokens are being replaced with the particular signature of the logged-in contact, or the creator contacts, when using mass mailings (which can be sent automatically by a cron job), respectively.
Current Usage: 75
When mailings are archived, compile stats and tidy up the database details.
Current Usage: 52