Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Creates dynamic CustomFields for contacts and populates each one of them with a custom, user-defined MySQL snippet
Current Usage: 14
Automate SMS conversations with contacts in CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 14
A simple custom CiviCRM search to find contacts that have the same first and last name (often these contacts are spam and can be purged.)
Current Usage: 14
Minimalist tool to efficiently identify households based on last name and address, and offer functions to create households
Current Usage: 14
Includes a number of custom searches that help give an overview of financial information.
Useful for financial and bookkeeping staff of an organization.
Current Usage: 14
Current Usage: 14
Integrate CiviCRM Events with GoToWebinar.
Current Usage: 14
Eases duplicate detection by performing periodic background scans for duplicate candidates across all contacts, for each appropriately configured Dedupe Rule; duplicate candidate are presented in reviewable batches, which you can then process for merging (or marking as "not duplicates") as usual with CiviCRM's merging features.
Current Usage: 13
Provides tokens to list transaction, contributions etc.
Current Usage: 13
This extension fixes and fills some gaps for Groups (Static and Smart) in CiviCRM, when limited users with dynamic ACL list available groups
Current Usage: 13
Tools to help translate both admin configurations and CiviCRM strings managed on Transifex.
Current Usage: 13
Embed forms in any remote website, providing inputs to a Form Processor. Invisible anti-spam measure included. This is an "Inlay" and therefore requires that extension, see https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/inlay
Current Usage: 13
Hierarchical ACL - Add ACL based on a Relationships Hierarchical Structure
Current Usage: 13
This extension give multiple option to control membership renewal. For Fixed Membership type, you can set restrict
Renewal until Rollver date is over. For Rolling Membership type you can set day and unit for restrict membership renewal before end date.

You can restrict the Membership Type Signup/Renewal based on Group contact, If contact is not part of Group.

This Extension provide Custom Membership Search which contain Membership Type Include Exclude along with Membership Status and their dates. You can find contact those have Membership Type A but don't have Membership Type B.
Current Usage: 13
(en) Add support the Paysafe "Card Payments API" online payment solutions for CiviCRM. Also supports the online payment service Monetico by Desjardins.

(fr) Permet d'utiliser les solutions de paiement en ligne Paysafe avec CivICRM. Supporte également les solutions de paiement par carte Monetico de Desjardins.
Current Usage: 13