Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Provides Google Pay and Apple Wallet integration for membership cards.
Current Usage: 5
Provides configurable tokens to handle "Dear Supporter" if the first name is missing (etc)
Current Usage: 5
Revenue dashboard report for CiviCRM showing MMR, LTV, churn etc.
Current Usage: 5
Verwerking van de Belgische OGM of gestructureerde mededeling. De extensie genereert OGM's en kan ze herkennen als een betalingsbestand met CiviBanking ingelezen wordt.
Current Usage: 5
Using a CiviCRM search form (ex: Advanced Search), export all the photos of the resulting contacts as a single zip file.
Current Usage: 5
Provides more strict permissions to Reports
Current Usage: 5
Provides a setting to specify that payment methods besides "Check" can show a "check number" field. Important for users with accounting integration and multiple bank accounts that accept checks.
Current Usage: 5
GlobalPayments payment processor in CiviCRM.

This extension implements the [GlobalPayments](https://www.globalpayments.com/) payment provider in CiviCRM.

It is using the [GP-API](https://developer.globalpay.com/ecommerce/hosted-fields-guide).

Currently only one-off payments are supported.
Current Usage: 5
Extension to show or hide civicrm menu bar on top, based on role or permission.
Current Usage: 5
This extension makes the checksum of the contact available for exporting.
Current Usage: 5
Customize CiviCRM's QuickSearch
Current Usage: 5
Add ability to use USAePay as a payment processor for Credit Cards and ACH/EFT.
Current Usage: 5
Extended Contact Summary report with support of filtering/showing custom fields of Individual contact along with Membership Type.
Current Usage: 5
Allows users to switch back and forth between core defined Contribution Statuses and custom Contribution Statuses
Current Usage: 5
Current Usage: 5