Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Clone any existing contribution to a new contribution, optionally omitting some properties, and optionally changing the value of some properties.
Current Usage: 4
Implements CiviCRM orgstructure-based access control functionality for multi-unit hierarchically structured organizations.
Current Usage: 4
The CiviCase v5 extension is an overhaul of the CiviCase UI. It provides a richer experience with more thoughtful layouts and interactions.
Current Usage: 4
Clone existing event registration
Current Usage: 4
This extension will allow Admins to create popup windows with any content, to any user, on any particular page.
Current Usage: 4
Current Usage: 4
The Petition Email CiviCRM extension allows you to automatically trigger an email everytime someone signs a petition. The email can go to one or more static targets or you can do a dynamic lookup of targets by matching the value of a field in the petition signer's contact with a value in a target group's contact.
Current Usage: 4
The Database Health Report  provides you with a snapshot of your CiviCRM database's usage. It reports the last login time and number of contacts and activities modified by each user. WIth this report, you can evaluate the effectiveness of staff trainings, or get a quick glimpse into which users are active and who may need more prodding.
Current Usage: 4
Allows the admin to limit exposure to card testing / tumbling by setting opening hours for contribution pages.
Current Usage: 3
Improve the visitor's UX of the contribution form when using recurring options. Includes a per-contribution-page administrative interface to modify defaults and/or include a js-based recurring-non-recurring switcher that allows for different contribution amount options.
Current Usage: 3
Restrict Manage Extension page to role.
Current Usage: 3
The functional requirement for this extension is that the funding customer (https://www.domusmedica.be/) has a lot of situations where an individual becomes a member or registers for an event but wants his/her company to pay for this. Partially this is possible in core CiviCRM using soft credits (for memberships) but it is somewhat confusing. The user does not see the actual payer of the membership on the membership screens, and the invoice does not show the name of the actual member.

This extension allows another contact than the member to pay for a membership and another contact then the participant to pay for an event registration. The extension will show the actual contact paying in the membership and participant screens and will also add the name of the participant or member on the invoice.
Current Usage: 3
Use Nextcloud to store your CiviCRM files, or use CiviCRM to find your Nextcloud files. Creates for every contact, case or expense a Nextcloud folder, and adds a button on the interface, so you can access this folder.
Current Usage: 3