Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Whatsapp integration with CiviCRM
Current Usage: 3
Allows you to export multiple contacts as vCards in a single file
Current Usage: 3
This extension calculates and displays the contact's age from the date of birth.
Current Usage: 3
GrapesJS editor for MJML Syntax emails
Current Usage: 3
Adds a pending matching gift with soft credit when entering a donation with a matching gift.
Current Usage: 3
Adds tokens for use in conjunction with CiviRules based on a Soft Credit trigger.
Current Usage: 3
Adds case field to activity creation form.
Current Usage: 3
Display Event start/end dates in the user's timezone. Useful for virtual events.
Current Usage: 3
Ever needed to upload very large files to CiviCRM, beyond the web server's limit? No? Well now you can, thanks to the plupload library, which can be combined with the remoteform extension, so that your users can upload huge files. Kidding aside, this is more of a proof of concept extension.
Current Usage: 3
This extension is deprecated; its functionality is now part of the CMS User extension.
Current Usage: 3
This extension provides a search that shows financial aging of overdue contributions such as recurring contributions and pledge payments.
Current Usage: 3
This extension provides fieldset on new contact form for adding relationship(s).
Current Usage: 3
Current Usage: 3