Support One-Click Unsubscribe

Email unsubscribe management (and functionality) is one of those eye-wateringly tedious areas of CiviCRM that many users prefer to avoid. We get it! It’s also a really important part of contact management since it can affect who receives what with respect to email communications.

Google has thrown its weight into the ring with a new standard to require one-click unsubscribe support in emails. There’s a discussion here in case you need help sleeping. Suffice it to say, the Core Team is undertaking work to ensure that CiviCRM is compliant and that, in fact, the process around unsubscribing recipients functions optimally.

This first push will focus on CiviMail, specifically bulk mailings.

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  • Fuzion
  • British Humanist Association
  • Makoa
  • Australian Greens
  • San Francisco Baykeeper