4.5 Update for the CiviCRM Course for Trainer use

2014-10-03 06:02
Written by
gibsonoliver - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
The course resources for trainers on the Wiki have now been updated for CiviCRM 4.5.
This has been done as part of the Edale sprint taking place in the UK.
The courses can be found on the CiviCRM Wiki - wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/Training
The course is based on a modular format with 14 individual sessions and each session contains both trainer notes and exercises for the learners.
The modular nature of the course means this can be run in multiple formats, like a '2 day course' or a '1 day course focusing on fundraising'.
Instructions for the trainer have been provided along with training tips, suggested course timetables and printable trainer/learner notes.
The full course is slide free - the idea is that the trainer delivers the whole course on a live CiviCRM site. The course materials prompt the trainer to start discussion with the learners and involve them in the learning process.

Since the course was released last year, a number of CiviCRM trainers have used the course materials and made their own excellent updates to the resources. If you would like to make some amendments to the resources please do so. Our only request is that when making changes you;
- Follow the set structure created for the session pages
- Don't add references to the sample data in the exercises (as the sample data often changes)
- Don't add elements specific for your learners. If you do want to do this please take a local copy first
For more information on the courses or you want to make changes and have some questions please get in touch.
olivergibson@northbridgedigital.co.uk or michael@civicrm.org 
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