CiviRules sprint in January and March 2015

2014-12-05 10:44
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In 2014 MAF Norge funded CiviCooP developing the TriggerAction extension ( to assist them with automated Donor Journeys in CiviCRM. Our team of Jaap & Erik from CiviCooP and Steinar & Helen from MAF Norge worked hard for a week and we came up with something that does work but is fairly complicated and decidedly unsexy. During the CiviCRM sprint in Edale Jaap & Erik from CiviCooP worked on a first analysis of CiviRules, a CiviCRM extension that is based on the Drupal Rules module. We described our thoughts (and some great contributions from community members) on a wiki page:

In 2015 our aim is to actually develop and deliver the CiviRules extension if we get enough funding from the community. So we are really happy to mention that MAF Norge has agreed to fund another 10 days of development in 2015, so we can make a start with a sprint in January 2015. In this sprint we will add some specific stuff to the TriggerAction extension for MAF Norge's immediate needs, and start with the first development of CiviRules as we both believe that should replace the TriggerAction stuff.

Even better news: Amnesty International Flanders have promised us to fund some development too. On top of this the fundraising consultant Ilja de Coster will also contribute, and we as CiviCooP will use some of our 2014 profit to fund some development too. Enough to be happy to announce that we will be planning a second sprint, solely focused on the further development of CiviRules.

We are aiming for the week of 9 March 2015. We do not expect to be near a first completion with 2 sprints, so we hope to get some more funding during the year. if your organisation, having read the documentation on what we think CiviRules should do, is interested in funding please drop either me ( or Martin at MAF Norge ( a line! If you are a developer and would be interested in taking part in this second sprint (probably week 9 March 2015) please let us know too!