View from the Denver Sprint

2015-04-29 07:23
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We have just completed the fourth day of the sprint.  Progress reports are in from all of the teams and much progress has been made. 

Reports from the teams tell us that we have been quite busy.   I am quite excited about the progress the Monitoring team has made and cannot wait to get my hands on this to play with.   Documentation has made great strides, improvements to the payment processor architecture is in the works as well.   I have had the opportunity to speak with the translation team and the work they are doing is invalubale to the project. 

I also have to mention that the extension review team has done a tremendous job working down the extension queue and we should all look forward to using some new extensions.  As part of the install team, I know we have been busy at work getting a more uniform install process across Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. 

Don't think it's been all work at the Sprint.   The blog has been quite as we took Monday afternoon off.   We spent the afternon either hiking, horseback riding or in the local hot springs. 

Today is the last full day at the sprint and  members of each team will be heading home soon.  I look forward to not only the next sprint, but continuing to work on CiviCRM to complete the tasks we started here at Snow Mountain Ranch.

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