Job descriptions for the core team

2015-09-28 03:16
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We thought it was about time that we published some job descriptions for the core team - to make it clearer what each of us works on, and is responsible for.  Up until now, you would have had to be pretty well aquainted with the core team to understand what everyone did, and even then you probably wouldn't know everything we got up to. This is an effort to better present our work to the community and we hope it will be useful to you. Helping you, for example, find the right person to contact with particular project ideas, etc. It has also been useful for us to clarify this stuff internally :)

A couple of points to note.  What you'll see is not a re-organisation of our work, more a clarification of how things are currently set up, and where our responsibilities lie.  Also, the bullets in these job descriptions reflect responsiblities but don't cover everything we do in our day to day jobs.  As you would expect from a small team - we'll often work together delivering projects that fall under another team members responsibility, and we also all pick up miscelanous tasks that we aren't documenting here.

The bullets on the job descriptions page are the result of a few hundred PostIt notes, and a few hours of writing, sorting, thinking, discussing, sticking and typing. We welcome your input on them, epecially areas that you were expecting to see but aren't on the list. The more our work is directly funded from our community, the more we recognise the importance of being transparent about what we get up to, so please let us know what you think.

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Thanks for this.

One question is the following relatively accurate at a finer level of detail with respect to developer domain expertise? (When trying to identify who to talk in a bit more detail when trying to discuss functionality, designs / ideas or issues in core I've tended to think of the division of developer expertise / responsibility and labour tending along the following lines.)

  • UX and presentation code - Coleman
  • DX, architecture, new technologies - Tim
  • functionality, features and UI - Dave
  • feature branch merges, general codebase and design - Kurund
  • release management and dev techniques - Yashoda

(Now that I'm listing who to go to for stuff, I'd also add a few more key resources who aren't on the core team:

  • API and payment processors - Eileen
  • security - Chris
  • internationalisation / localisation, drush, infrastructure - Mathieu
  • LTS - Eileen and Nicholas
  • Joomla! integration - Brian
  • WordPress integration - Kevin, Christian
  • Standalone - Nicholas

I know there are others who do lots but these are my experts. I suppose I'd add myself for accounting stuff.)