SearchKit - the new way to get data out of CiviCRM

2022-02-18 06:40
Written by
wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This month at CiviCRM North East, Andrew West spoke about how they are using SearchKit at Humanists UK to generate reports and get data out of CiviCRM.

SearchKit is a brilliant new feature that dramatically improves the way you can search and report on data in CiviCRM. It is a very powerful tool that is still in active development.

He talked about:

  • exporting your data to CSV
  • creating exclusive searches to find contacts that don't match criteria
  • using nested criteria
  • linking to other types of data (e.g. contributions, membership etc.)
  • combining SearchKit with Form Builder to create searchable lists
  • aggregating data using 'group by'

You can watch the full talk here:

If you would like to find out more about SearchKit here are some places to look:

Our next meeting is scheduled for 4 May 2022. If you'd like to join us book a place here: CiviCRM North East.

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