Webinar - deduplication

2021-10-08 08:08
Written by
wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Learn more about how you can deal with duplicate records in CiviCRM in this talk by Aidan Saunders of Squiffle Consulting.

This is a recording of the talk Aidan gave at the CiviCRM North East meeting on 8 September 2021. He spoke about:

  • why we get duplicate records
  • what we can do to try to prevent duplicates
  • how to merge duplicate records

You can find more information in the User Guide: Deduping and Merging

There is an extension that allows you to do more sophisticated deduplication: Deduper

Our next meeting is scheduled for 10 November. Book a place if you'd like to join us: CiviCRM North East

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