Join Us for Community Fridays

2017-01-10 12:03
Written by
Stoob - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Hello world, I would like to introduce the idea of of CiviCRM "Community Fridays".   Let's coalesce our ongoing community efforts improving Civi around a certain day of the week: every Friday.

This is the idea of myself, Allen Shaw, Josh Gowans and and other partners.  Will you consider joining us?  Community Friday isn't just for bugs and developers... it's for marketing, end users and everyone.

Do what you've been doing, do more, or do less, whatever you feel is fair and necessary for your business.   We're just hoping that you try to do it on Fridays with us.

Why?  Like a global mini-sprint, we amplify our efforts when we coordinate together, thus making Civi the best it can be for us and everyone.  Rather than spreading out our efforts over the month, why not all try to do a little something (or maybe a big something) together each Friday?

Our global distribution is an advantage, Friday starts in NZ/Aus (when it's Thursday night elsewhere) and moves across the world to India, Europe/UK, and ends in North America.

We aim to get this idea kicked off this Friday with a triage and bug-fixing effort focused on recent regressions.  You're welcome to join on 'dev' MatterMost chat or appropriate channel.    If you can't join this Friday, no problem, maybe the next.   Hope to see you soon!



Gotta get down on Friday!