Partners… thanks for your support!

2015-02-18 08:13
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It’s a tad belated I know, but in reality it’s never too late to say thank you for supporting this incredible project. We made a push starting in October 2014 for both partner renewals and new partner additions and can now speak to the results. In the process we received quite a bit of feedback on how to improve the program, a central theme of which is to focus both CiviCRM and partners on growing the entire ecosystem. You’re going to hear this point a lot going forward, starting with a forthcoming post on the state of fundraising for CiviCRM.

One important change to the partner program that we’ve already committed to is that we’re continuing to make the ask on a rolling basis instead of an annual drive. In a recent partner thread, we discussed the fact that partners are the sales team for CiviCRM. It stands to reason, therefore, that a vibrant and growing partner base will translate into a growing ecosystem. The trick for us, like for most open source projects, becomes converting members of the ecosystem into avid supporters and financial contributors.

Partners know this better than anyone, given that partnership with CiviCRM is a natural fit. If you use CiviCRM to generate income for your business, it’s in your interest to support the core team and the infrastructure necessary to keep the project going. With that said, special thanks to our renewing partners that have supported this project for 2 consecutive years!

Sustaining Partners

BackOffice Thinking
Giant Rabbit
NFP Services
WebAccess, Inc.

Supporting Partners

AGH Strategies
Arete Imagine
Blackfly Solutions
Circle Interactive
Compucorp Ltd
Emphanos LLC
Freeform Solutions
GMCVO Databases
iXiam Global Solutions
JMA Consulting
Nexell GmbH
Progressive Technology Project
SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung
Veda Consulting
White Fuse Media

Associate Partners

Coop Symbiotic
Gingko Street Labs
Greenleaf Advancement
Kilakwa Associates, LLC
Lighthouse Consulting & Design
Northbridge Digital
Palante Technology Cooperative
Semper IT
Tadpole Collective

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