Major events in 2016 - dates for your diary

2016-01-18 02:42
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Here's a quick run down of major CiviCRM events for your calendar for 2016.

  • CiviDay - locations around the world - February 24th
  • CiviCon North West Europe - 26th May
  • CiviCon Colorado
    • The main event - 2nd and 3rd June
    • Trainings for users, administrators and developers - 31st May and 1st June
    • The sprint (your chance to contribute to CiviCRM in person) - 4th to 8th June
  • CiviCon London
    • The main event - 6th and 7th October
    • Trainings for users, administrators and developers - 4th and 5th October
    • The sprint (your chance to contribute to CiviCRM in person) - 8th to 13th October
  • CiviCRM user summit DC - September 22nd and 23rd

Normally our events page is your best bet for the most up to date list of CivICRM events but since some of these events are not yet in the system, we thought we'd share the details here. If you are organising a major CiviCRM event in 2016 and it's not on the list, let me know ( and we can add it.

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You missed the dates for CiviCon North West Europe....

And the vale sprint