Nominations are open!

2020-02-17 08:52
Written by
RoseLanigan - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

In late 2018, the Establishment Team was set-up to help identify the role and processes for a newly-elected team to represent the CiviCRM community. The outcomes were reported in mid-2019 but implementation was paused in the lead-up to the Community Summit in October.

However, the stage is now set and we’re ready to start the election process! As Erik mentioned last week, things are moving forward...

Aidan Saunders and Joseph Lacey have agreed once again to manage the voting processes, with additional support from Michael McAndrew, Jon Goldberg and Eileen McNaughton. They will oversee the process to ensure it is undertaken with due diligence and credibility, and that the nominees broadly represent the whole CiviCRM community. Any questions can be addressed to 

The timetable looks like this:

  • February 17th, 2020: Nominations open and Registrations for voting open

  • March 7th: Nominations close

  • March 8th: Registrations for voting close

  • March 18th: Elections open

  • March 28th: Elections close

  • April 1st, 2020: Outcome announced

This means that from today, nominations are open: Nomination form for the Community Council 

For anyone who did not register in 2018 for the Establishment Team elections, please register here Voter Registration for the Community Council process


Who is eligible to register to vote?

Everyone who has a vested interest in CiviCRM! Users, implementers, developers, contributors, partners.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Everyone who is eligible to vote can also be nominated.

The full details can be found here:

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