CiviCRM 5.37 Release

2021-05-06 06:00
Written by
dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement

CiviCRM version 5.37.0 is now out and ready to download. This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bug-fixes or security issues at the moment. The current version of ESR is CiviCRM 5.33.x.

Important announcements and reminders:

  • As of CiviCRM 5.36, CiviCRM requires a minimum of PHP 7.2 and recommends PHP 7.4. If you are unable to upgrade off PHP 7.1 in the short-term we recommend you consider switching to the ESR.

We are committed to keeping CiviCRM free and open, forever. We depend on your support to help make that happen. We thank all our partners, members and ESR subscribers, who are regular financial contributors. We also received 3 donations last month from new donors, which are much appreciated. If you can, please take a few moments to donate. You can also contact us if you would like to donate cryptocurrencies (info at

What's new in CiviCRM 5.37

This version changes the database schema, has changes to the API, as well as the usual bugfixes and minor feature improvements.

  • Quicksearch: The results in the quick search in the menu bar now appear as actual links. Clicking an item acts the same as before, but you can now ctrl-click or right-click for advanced functions in your browser (such as to open the link in a new tab or window). (19779)
  • A new permission, "Administer all of CiviCRM", is established as a super-duper permission that implicitly has all other CiviCRM permissions. This is much like how a Drupal user with the ID 1 has all permissions, even if they're not individually granted. (19797)
  • Frontend Forms: Improves user experience for mobile users on public forms by making labels appear above inputs on small screens. (dev/user-interface#35: 19968)
  • CiviMail: improve loading performance when there are many campaigns (dev/core#2451: 19766)
  • Activities: Message Templates token processing converted to use TokenProcessor, resulting in some different token processing. If you have custom tokens, you may want to do a bit more testing (19550)
  • Activities/Events: Include the timezone for date values in the Activity iCal (19770)
  • Member: Fix membership to clear end date if type is updated to lifetime. (19716)
  • Admin: Add job to cleanup acl_cache table, add setting to disable opportunistic flushing (like for smart groups) (dev/core#2477: 19930)
  • Api4: Feature Request: API endpoint to trigger rebuild paths (dev/core#2458: 19795)
  • Api4: New supported entities: CiviCase, CaseType, CaseContact, Payment Token, Batch, Entity Financial Trxn. (dev/core#2486: 19932, 19933, 19931, 19907, followed up by dev/core#2573: 20174)
  • SearchKit and Afform: lots of technical things that I don't understand but sound like nice improvements.
  • Dedupe: Fixes a regression with the dedupe threshold when editing a dedupe rule (dev/core#2498: 20071)
  • Dev: Move reCAPTCHA from core to a core extension, towards supporting other types of form anti-spam. (19967)
  • Dev: Allow loading multiple AngularJS apps on a single page (19922)
  • Dev: Reorganize contact summary template to support non-ajax tabs (19875)
  • Dev: Add 'readonly' attribute to fields in schema (dev/core#2397: 19751 and 19778)
  • WordPress: Adds support to create a WordPress account from the Contact record. Also generates a password automatically, instead of prompting the user for one (ex: on profiles). (dev/wordpress#82: 18982)
  • WordPress: Support embedding "afform" forms via shortcodes. (19687)
  • Drupal 8/9: enabling an extension now rebuilds the Drupal route cache, avoiding "page not found" errors for pages provided by extensions. (19906)
  • A ton of tiny tweaks and fixes that make CiviCRM more fun to use, and the source code more entertaining to read and improve.

This is only a short overview. You can read the full release notes here (it includes all Gitlab and Github references, with much more information). Big thanks to Andrew Hunt and Alice Frumin from AGH Strategies for putting up together release notes.

This release was developed by the following code authors:

AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andrew Hunt; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Alexy Mikhailichenko; Calibrate - Wouter Hechtermans; Christian Wach; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CompuCorp - Ahed Eid; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Dave D; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; Greenpeace CEE - mflandorfer; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; Lighthouse Consulting and Design - Brian Shaughnessy; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJCO - Mikey O'Toole; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; Oxfam Germany - Thomas Schüttler; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Romain Thouvenin; SYSTOPIA Organisationsberatung - Björn Endres; Third Sector Design - Michael McAndrew; Timbsoft Technologies - Tunbola Ogunwande; Web Access - Kurund Jalmi; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton

Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:

Artful Robot - Rich Lott; BrightMinded Ltd - Bradley Taylor; CiviCoop - Erik Hommel; CiviDesk - Nicolas Ganivet; Context Institute - Robert Gilman; Dave T; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Dennis P. Osorio; Richard van Oosterhout; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; Skvare - Sunil Pawar; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano

Support CiviCRM

We are committed to keeping CiviCRM free and open, forever. We depend on your support to help make that happen.

CiviCRM as a project is community driven and is sustained through contributions and financial support from its community.


"lots of technical things that I don't understand but sound like nice improvements"  I truly commend the writer for what I can only imagine is the best description ever of some truly geeky under-the-hood stuff.