Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

This extension permits a contact to be changed from one type to another.
Current Usage: 1,251
Provides an interface to manage user API access keys.
Current Usage: 1,156
Bootstrap3 theme for CiviCRM, actively maintained Shoreditch fork that supports all CMS variants, including CiviCRM Standalone.
Current Usage: 1,059
Creates Canadian Tax Receipts with distribution by email or print, detailed reporting, press ready
Current Usage: 1,017
Exports reports and search results directly into the native MS Excel format (xlsx).
Current Usage: 982
Places recently-viewed items in the Menu bar for quick access.
Current Usage: 965
Prevents users from overwriting their own record while trying to add a new participant / contribution / membership.
Current Usage: 929
Extends custom data by creating a tab of fields that total up and summarize donation history for each contact.
Current Usage: 914
Extension to support General Data Protection Regulation
Current Usage: 787
Action Provider is an extension which provides action to other extensions. Such as Form processor and the Search action provider.
Current Usage: 703
Geocoder extension provides geocoding from multiple providers (default is Open Street Maps) with advanced features over core geocoding

Requires - CiviCRM 5.x, php 5.6

Credit : the Wikimedia Foundation
Current Usage: 692
This extension allows a staff user to add, edit and delete line items of a contribution.
Current Usage: 676
Event Calendar Extension allows you to view all CiviCRM events in a calendar by month,day,week.
Current Usage: 605
Minifies CSS/JS files which are passed through the assetbuilder in CiviCRM.
For example if it is installed on a CiviCRM system it will minify crm-menubar.css. If Stripe is installed it will minify stripe css/js.
Current Usage: 591
This extension adds a block to the contact summary that allows editing of any configured relationship type with a UI similar to the employer field.

Current Usage: 587