Blog posts by jamienovick

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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon

Enter CiviCon’s exclusive prize draw!

In only 7 weeks, more than 200 people will be gathering in London for Europe's biggest CiviCRM conference. And to build up the excitement, we have planned an exclusive competition to win 5 free tickets to the conference on the 6th and 7th October!


How does it work?

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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon
CiviCON London 2016 - Calling for lightning talks and extension showcase session submissions (PS. Last chance for REGULAR session submissions too!)
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By jamienovickFiled under

On the 8th of September, we will be hosting a special evening at the Google Campus London in celebration of CiviHR’s official launch!


From 6:00pm to 9:00pm, we will share with your our journey creating CiviHR and open the floor for ideas, discussion, and for you to become a part of our future.

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By jamienovickFiled under

In September, we will be releasing a new version of reports that will completely change the way you see and understand analytics. And we can’t wait to show it to you!

We met with a number of UK charities to discover what kind of reports would make a difference in their work life. And we found a long wishlist, with time, resources, and tools being the main barriers in creating powerful reports.

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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon

Special Earlybird tickets available for a limited time only: £145 for the full 2 days or £95 for a 1 day pass!

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By jamienovickFiled under
HR is difficult.  Especially if you’re a non-profit, seeking a system that is both affordable and comprehensive.

Many of you will have heard we are working on a project called CiviHR. This a project to make a great open source HR system for non-profits.

With seed funding from the Zing foundation, CiviHR is a fully featured HR system, based on a core of CiviCRM and Drupal, that will be freely available for non-profit organisations.

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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon
Register for CiviCon london 2016



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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon
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By jamienovick Filed under CiviContribute, Finance and Accounting
Pencil and squared paper at the ready CiviCRM is about to get a little more boring...

Yes thats right, over the past few months Compucorp have been working with Web Access, JMA consulting and the Core Team to beef up Civi's accounting integration by providing support for Sales Taxes for CiviCRM. But wait there's more...

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By jamienovick Filed under CiviCon
No matter who you are and what you do for your organisation, CiviCON 2014 will have something for everyone.    There will be plenty for people coming to find out whether Civi is right for their organisation, with client case studies from both small and large organisations using Civi and in-depth demonstrations of what is possible with Civi and Website integrations such as Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress.   
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