CiviLunch Webinar - Organizing Your Contacts in CiviCRM

Categorizing and Managing Your Contacts for Maximum Effectiveness

CiviCRM at its core is a contact management system, so understanding your options for organizaing, catagorizing, and managing your contacts using the CiviCRM paradigm (a set of rules that govern a system) will help improve your ability to fully utilize your system. We willl look at contact types, sub-types, groups, smart groups, tags, and relationships, and talk about when to use each to your advantage.

Go to to register.

CiviLunches are free one hour webinars brought to you by Greenleaf Advancement. Begins at 12 PM Eastern US (hence the name CiviLunch).

March 14th, 2018 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM