Enhancing people’s lives by assisting them to remain living at home

Scope Access

SCOPE Access assists the frail aged or those with a disability to remain living at home and to live more independently in the community. It carries out a wide variety of services from installing grab rails, bathroom, kitchen and home access modifications to fitting smoke alarms, general maintenance, creating accessible yards and gardens and mowing lawns.

The organisation receives referrals from Department of Health OTs, GPs, prospective clients’, their carers or other community organisations. It constructs or carries out the ‘prescription’ of referring health professionals or uses its own in-house OTs to assesses prospective clients’ needs and eligibility.  It is funded through a combination of client contributions as well as government funding.  Services subsidised through government funding have very strict and extensive reporting requirements.

SCOPE Access staff were finding it increasingly difficult to manage clients’ cases, project manage the flow of work.  There were also issues on providing accurate, relevant reports to its Board of Directors to allow for service and strategic planning.  The data collection and reporting required by government often didn’t provide appropriate reports for the needs of the Board. SCOPE Access were seeking a CRM system which offers case management and easy tools for reporting.
Energetica offered organisational consultation and drafted the requirements document, scoping and implementing the move from several other systems to CiviCRM.

SCOPE Access uses Civi for extensive case and project management (using CiviCase), government reporting (using custom fields and activities, as well as a reporting tool which was developed by Energetica specifically to easily report to the Australian Department of Health and Ageing - Home and Community Care Program (HACC)), and project-related communications between staff. It also uses Civi to manage its for-profit services, the profit from which is used to fund the NFP work for significantly disadvantaged clients.

Organizational focus
Public Health
Organization type
Non Profit


• Improve the work process, unify and automate it as much as possible, as well as being able to report to HACC in an easy, seamless way • Unifying data collection – collections of data once only per contact, rather than in multiple systems • Creating work flow processes in CiviCase, including alerts in the form of scheduled activities issued to people who need to take actions at the required time • Giving each staff member a single screen view of his/her tasks and future tasks at any given time • Facilitating an easy way to pinpoint where a project is at any given time • Provide extensive reporting tools


Creating a work-flow that best serves all stake-holders (clients, administrators, OTs, builders, supervisors, funding bodies, management) and all different levels of service (from installing a hand rail to installing a lift and major access modifications) and mirroring it in CiviCRM using CiviCase and activities.


Energetica's understanding of the NFP and community services sector.


CiviCase, activities

Client service managers and in-house IT support staff; Energetica team members (http://energetica.com.au/).