
Special thanks to our CiviCRM members. You rock!

The organizations listed here are not only users of CiviCRM, they are active participants and investors in the project's overall sustainability. Their financial contribution as members provides unrestricted support for the Core Team and ensures that everyone can continue to count on CiviCRM's stability and continuous improvements. If your organization isn't on this list, we encourage you to become a member and make the same commitment that the members below have made to you.

Lynda Davis

Edward Wilkinson

Jannie Fung

Roger James

Tahverlee Anglen

Valerie Sergnese

Scarlett Wilde

Carmen Neely

Shirley Denton

Jason Baumgartner

Matthias Weston

Dean Valentine

Sejal Choksi-Chugh

Mike Watson

David Farrow

Sunningwell School of Art

Abi Lunn

Kyle Smith

Neville Spencer

Abigail McLaughlan

David McChesney

Daniel Strum

Kimberly Dudley

Jean-Pierre PECUCHET

Lisa Katz

Andreas Howiller

Mitharshan Nagendran

Jenna McElroy

Loi Heldt

Maria Vogel

Chris Doten

Sky Hall Foundation

Chris Doten

Martin Stevens