Similar to @annaleevk's story (Tales from a Blackbaud Kintera Conversion) earlier this year I was tasked with migrating a 60K contact Kintera database to CiviCRM. To make matters more "interesting", the client had a home-grown database with mixed information, some defining new contacts and some adding information to the Kintera contacts. I will not talk about thi
This time of year I would normally be entring data from hundreds of sheets of paper, struggling to read people's sloppy handwriting and feeling like I was a slave to our database. But instead, I'm viewing reports on phone calls, pledges and donations, generating reminders and thank-yous -- with no data entry required!
The CiviCRM team invites you to CiviCon 2012
CiviCon – the annual conference for CiviCRM developers, implementers, administrators and users – is happening in the San Francisco Bay Area on April 2nd. Early bird registration is just $75 and ends less than a month away on January 30th, so reserve your spot now.
If you think you've found a bug, you need to verify it really is a problem. Answer these questions:
The team is excited to announce the first beta release for 4.1 with support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6, Joomla 1.7/1.6, and the integration with Wordpress 3.3(wohoooo!!!).
I think there were few discussion in the forum about adding 'Custom Data Group' with multiple records in a profile. We wanted the same for one of our clients, who wanted an Application Form in which they wanted to collect Qualifications and Experience, which obviously is multi-record custom data against contact. As they needed it in a very short period of time, we managed to do a work around to accomplish this. As usual, the wonderful CiviCRM API version 3 and hooks come to the rescue.
Saturday morning I brought the McAndrew bros and later Gergö Tiszi to the train station, which ended a great CiviCRM code sprint in Apeldoorn. I think we had quite some progress on CiviMobile, which looks really nice on my Android. I would like to thank Peter, Rajesh, Michael and Willem for their contribution and Hemma for her enthusiasm. We also improved the test set up and did some testing, for which Michael, Gergö, Xavier, Hans and Michael deserve thanks.
For the past couple of years (since May 2009) we've used Flossmanuals to write our CiviCRM books. In August this year, our old faithful Comprehensive guide to CiviCRM became two: The CiviCRM user and administrator guide and The CiviCRM developer guide. The user and administrator guide is now in its fourth version and we're currently writing new training guides for administrators and developers.
This case study was originally posted on the CiviCRM Forums.
Kehilat Hadar is an independent prayer community on Manhattan's Upper West Side in New York City. The organization has an annual budget of over $170,000, an email list subscription of over 3,000 and is almost entirely volunteer run.