After more than 6 months of design, development and QA - the team is thrilled to announce the release of CiviCRM 2.0 Stable. You can download the release AND / OR try it out on our demo sites.
2.0 features significant code and schema changes to improve performance and scalability - as well as a number of exciting new features. You can find Release Highlights here, and check out the resolved issues listing for details on the 450+ improvements and bug fixes.
A big round of applause is due to all the folks who downloaded, tested and submitted bug reports during the 2.0 release cycle. The alpha and beta packages were downloaded more than 3,200 times - and our new ping-back mechanism reported 450+ unique installations. 100+ bugs were reported by community members and fixed by the team during the release cycle. This is a huge increase and improvement in community participation in bullet-proofing a release - and should help make this a high quality release. However, given the complexity of the architecture and schema changes - we do anticipate that a few more issues will arise during the coming weeks. We plan on doing periodic bug fix releases every few weeks as needed.