This extension facilitates the ability to register different participant roles for an event in CiviCRM. At the moment CiviCRM will default the role used during online registration to the role chosen when setting up the event. So all the participants from online event registration would have same participant role.
Come meet other people who are interested in, using or developing for CiviCRM.
More info + registration
I am Tahir Ramzan, pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Virtual University of Pakistan. I am working on refunds, partial refunds and partial payments development for CiviCRM. Parvez Saleh and Joe Murray are mentoring this project.
Refunds and Partial Refunds:
Often, we need to tackle situation where one needs to make partial or full refunds. After this project users will be able to make refunds with friendly user interface and proper database records.
For a while we have been thinking about some new infrastructure for CiviCRM's user and administrator documentation. We'd like to move the guide somewhere that has better support for more of the features that we want, which include
Cividesk will be offering several on-line CiviCRM training classes in June designed for new users. Each two-hour training session focuses in depth on one topic (Contacts, Membership, Events and Contributions). Class size is kept small to allow for Q &A. Click here for more information on specific curriculum, dates and cost. Additional questions?
Venez nous rejoindre et échanger avec les utilisateurs français lors du prochain Meet up !
Jeudi 18 Juin de 17h à 19h.
Plus d'infos et s'inscrire ici. Nous remercions CCFD-Terre Solidaire pour leur accueil.
Contact :
Yesterday was the first CiviCon NorthWest Europe in Amsterdam. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was inspiring to see the local community being able to organize and support such an event! We had a little over 50 participants from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France.
A great CiviCRM community day in the heart of Amsterdam with:
The first videos from CiviCon Denver are now available as a playlist on our youtube channel. The rest will be uploaded as they are processed and published. Enjoy!
Q: Want to help the new CiviCRM StackExchange site succeed, but don't have spare time/brainpower for answering difficult questions?
A: That's okay! It turns out that the one thing this fledgling site needs the most is also the easiest thing you can do. Voting!