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18 mars 2015
par lwupagano sujet CiviCon, Community

Still trying to decide whether CiviCon Denver is for you?  Whether you're new to CiviCRM or a seasoned expert there is something for you in the Mile High City at CiviCon Denver 2015! If you still need reasons to pack your bags, here they are:


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18 mars 2015
par kurund sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions

The team is super excited to announce that the fourth beta release of CiviCRM 4.6 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 sandbox site!

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18 mars 2015
par Eileensujet

4.4.13 introduced a regression which could adversely affect some sites so we are putting out 4.4.14.

The issue is here and affects 'some IPNs'. We recommend that you upgrade to this version of 4.4 if you are on the LTS. There is very little change in this from 4.4.13 and, as with other LTS releases, no database change.

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17 mars 2015
par roshani sujet Case studies and user stories

On March 9, 2015, the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education (HFC) won the 2015 Nonprofit Innovation Awards for Management Operations from the Central Penn Business Journal for their CiviCRM implementation.

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16 mars 2015
par roshani sujet Case studies and user stories

It was great to see old friends and make new friends at the Nonprofit Technology Conference (#15NTC) in Austin from March 4-6.  I had a great time and learned a lot.

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15 mars 2015
par andie sujet CiviContribute, Case studies and user stories, Extensions, Statistics

Compare your fundraising success last year with other CiviCRM users and small- to medium-sized nonprofits.  Third Space Studios have been conducting the Individual Donor Benchmark Survey for three years, helping smaller nonprofits compare their aggregate fundraising information to get a fix on how successful they are raising money from individual donors.

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11 mars 2015
par kurund sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions

The team is super excited to announce that the third beta release of CiviCRM 4.6 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.6 sandbox site!

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9 mars 2015
par jamie sujet CiviCRM

We recently had one of our groups report that merging data was resulting in data loss. Specifically, when they merged two records, they noticed that the contribution records on the record that was deleted were not carried over to the record that remained.

I investigated and found the culprit: we were missing a foreign key constraint between the contribution table and the contact table. In fact, we were missing a lot of foreign key constraints in this database.

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5 mars 2015
par totten sujet Annonces de nouvelles versions

CiviCRM v4.5.7 was released on March 3, 2014. The release was generally valid and safe, but some fixes were incorrectly omitted from v4.5.7. We're releasing a correction, v4.5.8.

To download the latest version, see

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4 mars 2015
par lwupagano sujet CiviCon

Howdy Friends,

As you know, CiviCon is on the move and will be calling Denver its home this year.  We are expecting this to be our biggest event yet!  If Denver is not within driving distance, don't fret!  Denver's Int'l Airport has direct flights from every major city in the US.  

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