I recently completed a conversion of about 8 years of history from a 5 year old Blackbaud Kintera site to a Drupal CiviCRM solution. Confused yet? Don't worry, all we be revealed in time. As a way of giving back, I am planning to share my experiences good and bad, what worked, what did not, what I learned and what I will and won't do next time.
I’m based with a group of three churches in Bristol, UK and we transitioned to Civi in June 2011, integrating it with our new Drupal 7 website. We’re loving Civi’s functionality and the customization it allows, but there is one thing on my wishlist which may be on yours too – the ability to deal easily with recurring events, including reporting on attendance.
As most non-profits know, driving revenue exclusively off of events can be a hit or miss adventure. Revenues YOY are not consistent, and its difficult to find those supporters who will organize and host fundraising events to support your cause. Many are intimidated by hosting large fundraisers or simply don't have the time or resources to pull it off. So to sum up our problem: we needed a broader more consistent source of revenue to fund our programs. To expand our source of revenue, we looked to our community of donors, families, and fundraisers to raise money on our behalf through their own social networks. The average user on facebook has 30 friends [http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics] which means that we could exponentially increase our reach through online social networking interaction. All we needed was to setup the campaign pages platform and get people started.
For those of you who are thinking about ways you can promote your business as well as help support and grow the CiviCRM community :-) ...
Our idea is that a Room Booking Module would be a fantastic addition to CiviCRM.
Join us on 19 October 2011 in Montreal (QC, Canada) for a meetup on the state of the fr_CA CiviCRM translation. Location: at the Brulerie Saint-Denis (near the Berri-UQAM metro station) starting at 19h (7 PM).
Texting - sending short messages via sms to cell phones is a powerful but untapped tool for community organizing. Recent Pew Internet studies have shown that young people of color use texting far more than other demographic groups, and increasingly access the internet and communicate solely through their mobile devices. Given this, texting has tremendous potential to help community organizing groups in the US communicate with their members.
There will be a CiviCRM Euro code sprint in The Netherlands from 12 - 16 December 2011, and you can register here
The idea is to have as many community members present so we can achieve lots and make all of us happy!