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3 août 2011
par yashodha sujet CiviCRM

The team is excited to annouce the release of 3.4.5 and 4.0.5. We strongly recommend reviewing the 3.4/4.0 highlights post, where you will find out what’s new and hot in 3.4/4.0 release in general. This release has 130+ bug fixes and a few improvements, hence we would recommend upgrading to this version. Check here for a detailed list of bug fixes and improvements.

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31 juillet 2011
par xavier sujet CiviCampaign, CiviContribute, CiviEvent, Case studies and user stories, CiviCRM


We conducted a research to see how often someone tweeted about a page powered by CiviCRM in the past month and a half. We analysed 858 tweets by 612 users about 163 sites, some big names like oxfam or the red cross, some for tiny organisations.

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27 juillet 2011
par michaelmcandrew sujet Training

This August 31st and September 1st we are running two CiviCRM trainings: one for developers and implementors and one for users and administrators.

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27 juillet 2011
par Andreas Freimueller sujet Meetups

Good day all,

This is to let you know that we are starting a user group for the german speaking countries (aka germany, austria, switzerland). 

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24 juillet 2011
par scolson sujet CiviEvent, CiviCRM



A client approached us with a specific need; to allow for the concept of “teams” in event registration. In addition to tracking team groups, they wanted to automatically send the team captain an email notifying them of a new team member. Unfortunately at this time, Civi does not have a great mechanism to automatically track teams in the context of event registrations.

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12 juillet 2011
par xaviersujet



We are having a discussion on the API group about the current limitations of the framework used in civicrm for the ORM and DB layer (pear DB_DataObject and DB... ).

If you are not familiar with the BAO/DAO structure, you might want to read this blog  post (written in 2006) first.

Beside a general dislike of the existing framework that show its age, we have identified several issues:

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10 juillet 2011
par SarahGladstone sujet CiviCRM, Schools

Since CRM stands for Constituent Relationship Management, one would expect to have robust capabilies for dealing with relationships. This expectation is met when using the staff areas of CiviCRM.

However, in any of the self-service areas such as event registration profiles, membership profiles, and stand-alone profiles then relationships are missing.  Each profile can only be used to collect information about a single contact.


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5 juillet 2011
par FatherShawn sujet CiviCRM

The Core Team has entered CiviCRM into the CRM Idol 2011 competition.  Here's a summary of the competition pulled from the announcement:


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1 juillet 2011
par michaelmcandrew sujet Extensions, Finance and Accounting

We've just started a make it happen for UK direct debit integration - something that lots of UK non profits have been asking for and we are happy to provide :)

The fabulous Eileen will be carrying out the work and we are aiming to raise the total amount needed by August 15 in time for her trip to the UK so we can spend some time kick starting it all.

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29 juin 2011
par Eileen sujet CiviMember, CiviCRM

Update 2: Based on some thoughtful input, we've integrated the requirement for multiple membership blocks INTO the price set functionality. Each price set field option can be linked to a membership type - opening up all the power and flexibility of price sets to both online and backoffice membership signup. You can read the details here in the issue tracker.


Update: This 'Make it Happen' has been fulfilled and we are beginning development. You can review detailed specifications:

Membership Price Sets Multiple Membership Blocks

Thanks to the sponsors for making it happen!

International Society for Bayesian Analysis - Merlise Clyde Green Party of NSW Australia Fuzion - Peter Davis and Eileen McNaughton Lighthouse Consulting and Design - Brian Shaugnessy Bristol Exploration Club - Henry Bennett Anon (field for recognition not filled out)


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