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25 février 2011
par lobosujet

Overview and New Features in CiviCRM v3.4 / v4.0 With the release of 3.4.alpha1, a brief tour of some of the new features and changes in v3.4 / v4.0 is in order. This release had 7 successful Make It Happen Projects. We also had a record number of patches (100+) that were incorporated into this release.

v3.4 and v4.0 have the same set of CMS independent features. v3.4 supports Drupal 6.x and Joomla 1.5.x only. v4.0 supports Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.6.x. v3.4 is expected to be the last release to support D6/J1.5. API v3 - The new version 3 API contains the standardisation that many of us have been hanging out for. The names of the function files and the functions have been standardised as have the inputs and outputs. There is a new wrapper function: civicrm_api( entity,action,$params ); to make it easier to call. If you have any doubt on how to use it we have developed an API explorer and code generator that is shipped with civicrm and will let you use interactive Thanks to the folks at Progressive Technology Project, we have integrated CiviCampaign with other CiviCRM components, specifically: CiviContribute, CiviMember, CiviEvent, CiviMail and CiviEngage. We've also integrated the PhoneList and WalkList CiviEngage Reports with CiviCampaign, making CiviCampaign more useful for grassroots organizing and political campaigns. We plan on extending and improving CiviCampaign in v4.1 via another Make It Happen
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24 février 2011
par michal sujet Drupal, Joomla

It's been a while since CiviCRM 3.3 went stable and the world around changed a bit: Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.6 were released. Since making CiviCRM work with new versions of these two CMSes required some backwards incompatible changes, we're releasing two versions of CiviCRM:

4.0.alpha1 for Drupal 7 and Joomla 1.6 3.4.alpha1 for Drupal 6 and Joomla 1.5

Please remember this is an ALPHA release and it should NOT be used on production sites - however, we enourage you to install it on your test sites and let us know about any bugs or problems.

There are a few public sandboxes where you can try one (or many) of above versions:

CiviCRM 4.0 on Drupal 7 CiviCRM 4.0 on Joomla 1.6 CiviCRM 3.4 on Drupal 6
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24 février 2011
par ErikHommel sujet Meetups

We have set a date for the next CiviCRM BeNeLux meetup: Friday 15 April 2011 in the afternoon. More details will follow, but we do expect a demo of the CiviCRM Mobile app (Android and iPhone) from qbSet. 


We will also present the new feature on the upcoming 3.4 and 4.0 versions. If there is enough interest, we will focus on the new API v3.


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23 février 2011
par lcdweb sujet Case studies and user stories, CiviCRM


We are excited to announce the publication of Using CiviCRM, by Packt Publishing – the first full-length, commercially published book covering implementation, configuration, and usage of CiviCRM.

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21 février 2011
par planigan sujet CiviCase, CiviCRM, Extensions

Many non-profits live and die by the grant money that they are able to bring in. CiviCRM can currently track incoming grant applications through CiviGrant, but there is no way to track outgoing grants applications.

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21 février 2011
par Dave Greenbergsujet

We had a lively meetup at Wikimedia Foundation HQ in San Francisco last week with a nice turnout (around 15 folks), despite the super crummy weather (again :-( ). Jackie Downing, Development and Communications Manager at the Gay-Straight Alliance Network shared their experiences implementing and using CiviCRM and Drupal. GSA Network empowers youth activists to fight homophobia in schools. If you've heard of the Make it Better Project - you've seen some of the great work they are doing.

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17 février 2011
par davemsujet


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17 février 2011
par seank sujet Meetups

The first CiviCRM user group meeting of 2011 took place on Thursday 10th Feb at the Create Centre in Bristol, the first in a while, but with several more programmed in for the coming year to attempt to make it more of a fixture in the UK CiviCRM community.

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16 février 2011
par xavier sujet API, Architecture

This new API is the recommended method to Create, Get, Delete or Update any CiviCRM data from your code or an external system. It is much more coherent and easier to use than the api v2.


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13 février 2011
par xcf33 sujet CiviCRM, Drupal

When I first started to use CiviCRM, because of all the functionalities and features. Often overlooked is the fact that there's no confirmation email option for users who completes a profile form.


A confirmation email in this case help reinforce the relationship between the organization and its users. As I understand this feature has been sought before and perhaps it is time to bring into CiviCore?


A new forum topic for this can be found below:

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