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10 mai 2010
par lobo sujet CiviCRM

We've received a small amount of funding to help start our work on Canvassing and GOTV. We are still looking for sponsors, if this work is important to you, please consider supporting the project by making a contribution.

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10 mai 2010
par xavier sujet CiviCRM
Hi all, Working on CiviEvent to add two nice features that are going to be included on 3.2: 1) Now you can send a link with the checksum token to the registration page, so the form is pre-filled even for contacts that don't have a login/password 2) And you can register someone else, even when you are logged in, eg. the admin users can register new people from the online registration like if they where anonymous. One more thing or two I think could be tweaked to make civievent even easier to use: 1) Admin Interface Right now, you have two "modes":
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6 mai 2010
par GregoryHeller sujet Meetups

There seems to be growing interest in CiviCRM in Seattle. People want to know more about what it is, how it works and how they can harness the power for their clients or their own organizations. Recently at DrupalCon in San Francisco I ran a training on CiviCRM that was attended by a fellow Seattlite, and in the weeks just before that I was introduced to a few other folks in Seattle using CiviCRM. So it seems like it is time.

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6 mai 2010
par kurund sujet CiviCRM
In the past many users have expressed their interest to use CiviCRM for a survey. Obvious choice for this, is to use CiviCRM profile. For this you will have to create multiple profiles with your survey questions and configure it to redirect user to next profile when one profile is saved. This behaves like a survey wizard. But if you have lot of questions / steps you will have to create that many number of profiles, which might be difficult to manage/setup survey.
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3 mai 2010
par GregoryHeller sujet CiviCon

I posted a recap of CiviCon late last week on the CivicActions Blog including links to all the Ignite and Lightning talks, but figured I should repost those links here.

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3 mai 2010
par SarahGladstone sujet CiviCon, CiviCRM, Documentation, Finance and Accounting

I have shared the slides ( and video ) from my ignite session at CiviCon, which describes a case study of my use of CiviCRM for a synagogue, including invoicing and non-Western calendars. Everything is at my blog.


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2 mai 2010
par scyrma sujet CiviCRM, Drupal, Sprints

Over the first three days of the code sprint, we got through most of the tasks to be done. So, on the last day it was decided that some time could be allocated to something different, taking advantage of developpers from different continents being together. Three of us spent a few hours working on coding a way to deploy CiviCRM site with Aegir.

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29 avril 2010
par lobo sujet CiviCon, CiviCRM, Documentation, Drupal, Sprints

The past 8 days have been an amazing period for the CiviCRM community and core team members. Its been incredibly intense, extremely fulfilling and mind-blowing. A huge thank you and tip of the hat to the members of the community who participated in the event and came together from various parts of the world (asia, europe, north america) to push the project to greater heights, from a usability, documentation and localization viewpoint.

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28 avril 2010
par shot sujet Architecture, CiviCRM, Drupal, Internationalization and Localization, Sprints
As you have already read in the previous blog posts, one of the outcomes of the translation sprint is the fact that we’re switching our translation server to a new tool, Transifex. We decided to go with Transifex for various reasons: Transifex allows teams of people to collaborate on translations – this is not an issue when you have a single person working on a translation, but as soon as you have two or more contributors working remotely, it’s crucial to use a tool that streamlines the process and allows for easy and centralised communication, the user hierarchy is simple, clean and seems to be efficient: project maintainers accept language maintainers who, in turn, accept language team members and coordinate given language’s development, project maintainers can announce localisation-oriented things on the project’s page, teams can have discussions on the per-language discussion boards, the user interface for translations is better and easier to work with, and has the (dubious for some languages, but useful for others) ability to fetch Google Translate suggestions on-the-fly, PO files can be locked for work in offline tools (like Poedit, Virtaal or others) and the locking is visible to other contributors.
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28 avril 2010
par xavier sujet Documentation
It is midnight, we are busy finishing proof-reading the last chapters, after having been spoiled one more time with a scrumptious dinner cooked by an amazing Jill. After 4 days, time to put some numbers on this sprint: 5 squirrels, 8 chipmunks, dozen of blue jays 2 coyotes, and 1 bernese mountain dog, tough job to guard a herd of writers and 11 000 words, spread around a lot of new chapters both aiming the users of CiviCRM and the developers.
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