
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
1 juillet 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet

CiviCRM Community Skypecast will provide an overview of the new features in CiviCRM 1.5. July 06, 12:00 PST

Learn about features coming in v1.5. Ask questions, and share feedback, ideas, tips for using CiviCRM with other users, developers and folks from the CiviCRM core development team. (CiviCRM is the first open source and freely downloadable constituent relationship management solution. CiviCRM is web-based, internationalized, and designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.)

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28 avril 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet

We have integrated the citizenspeak drupal module with CiviCRM 1.5. Check the below link for instructions.

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14 avril 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet
CiviCRM 1.4: A Free and Open Source eCRM Solution

We are pleased to announce the latest release of CiviCRM - version 1.4.

Special thanks to the dedicated folks who contributed to this release by testing the beta revisions - and to everyone in the community who provided new ideas, feedback(especially critical feedback), and patches.

CiviCRM is the first open source and freely downloadable constituent relationship management solution. CiviCRM is web-based, internationalized, and designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.

New to CiviCRM?

What's new in 1.4? Offer Premiums (thank-you gifts) to online and offline contributors CiviMail - an optional email broadcast component - includes integrated subscribe/unsubscribe, bounce handling, open and click-thru tracking...

... A big ++ to the folks at CivicActions who contributed enormously to getting CiviMail "production-ready".

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14 avril 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet

CiviNode is a module and API that exposes CiviCRM contacts, groups, and other CiviCRM object types to Drupal as nodes. It's designed to make CiviCRM easier to use and integrate with all of the Drupal tools and techniques you've come to know and love. For example, once you've mirrored a CiviCRM contact into Drupal, you will be able to:

* Catagorize it with taxonomies * Attach event or location information * Track what's happening with the contact with a work-flow * Control the way it displays by theming it.

CiviNode Module

Why to go Rob (Torenware Networks)!!

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17 mars 2006
par Dave Greenberg sujet CiviCRM
CivicSpace has announced the ALPHA of their hosted service. This includes CiviCRM 1.3. Please consider helping them out by signing up to be an alpha tester.
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13 mars 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet

CiviCRM is getting a fair amount of acceptance internationally. You can read a one pager of case studies and other information.

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3 février 2006
par Dave Greenbergsujet

Drupal provides a very strong taxonomy system to classify content. Contacts could benefit from that taxonomy functionality.

You can see Eric Mckenna's cookbook here:

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22 décembre 2005
par Dave Greenbergsujet

Nick Lewis has blogged some good basics on CiviCRM & Drupal users:

"In this tutorial, I will explain how to get a user’s country from CiviCRM, and auto-generate a taxonomy term within the context of the user posting a new content item." ( read more... )

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5 décembre 2005
par Dave Greenbergsujet

See Mike Gifford's annotated Flickr screenshot of the vcard functionality in CiviCRM...

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23 août 2005
par Dave Greenbergsujet

Axel Rüweler has completed an initial German translation of OpenNGO using our translation tool at

Special thanks to Axel for dedicating the time to complete the translation.

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