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By RoseLaniganFiled under

With only three weeks to go, time is running out to book your place on the UK Sprint or Developer Training!


As always, our sprints are friendly and welcoming events that provide an opportunity for you to get to know the rest of the CiviCRM community and contribute back to the project at the same time. They are ideal for working on your pet project, learning about the latest developments in CiviCRM and building up your CiviCRM network.

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By SYSTOPIA Filed under Extensions
CiviCRM has a lot of entities tailor-made for a non-profit’s CRM needs. Contacts, participants, memberships, activities and many more. But what if you want to keep track of a different “thing” in Civi? Well, we’ve got just the thing!
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By jackrabbithannaFiled under

CiviCRM Form Builder is a powerful and rapidly-evolving CiviCRM feature which has seen major advancements in each of the past several versions. This extension allows site builders to create custom forms to filter custom SearchKit searches, create simple contact creation forms, and much more.

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By AlanDixon Filed under Security

and is that really a thing? 

I’ve noticed an increase in questions about security over the past year. While I would say that you can’t be too secure, I’m not as convinced that you can’t have too much “security”. The difference is that “being secure” is not the same as doing things in the name of “more security”.

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By jamienovickFiled under

Hello again CiviCRM community!

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By dev-team Filed under Release announcements

CiviCRM version 5.76.0 is now ready to download. This is a regular monthly release. Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

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By josh Filed under Marketing and Promotion

Next year, CiviCRM will celebrate 20 years of existence! And while some things have changed dramatically in both the community and software, our mission has remained the same: to ensure that all organizations, regardless of size, budget or focus, can access a world-class CRM.

Our commitment to this mission is as strong as ever and is, in fact, a primary driver behind an impending change in how we present CiviCRM via https//, its primary marketing channel.

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By usha.makoa Filed under Extensions

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new CiviCRM extension : the integration of the HelloAsso Checkout payment system.

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By SYSTOPIA Filed under Extensions
In this blog series, we introduce the wide range of extensions, modules, and other tools SYSTOPIA has developed for CiviCRM users over the years. Today’s about our “matchmaker” XCM – a crucial gear in almost all setups that connect Civi with external sources.
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By aydunsFiled under

In 10 weeks, an amazing/varied/mega-talented selection of the CiviCRM community will be enjoying the UK Sprint & Developer Training 2024.

Join us!

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