Like all interesting questions, this has three worthwhile answers: yes, no, and maybe. Let's explore them all.
It’s easy for CiviCRM users to get confused about where to find settings in the CiviCRM menu because the links may be nested within other menu items. This can lead them to look at multiple menu items to find the appropriate setting which can be frustrating to new users not familiar with the system. Enter the Quick Search CiviCRM Menu extension.
Want to learn more about the CiviVolunteer extension that makes it easy to manage and track volunteers, whether it be an on-going volunteer project or a specific event?
In october 2019 I spend a few days with the community at the Summit in Barcelona, and it was inspiring as usual! On the way back out of all the things we discussed two themes kept going around in my head. The first was the need for more marketing material that was felt by all present, and the second one was that in my opinion CiviCRM = software + community.
Join Cividesk on Tuesday, January 21st at 9 am MT/11 am ET for the online training "Organizing a Membership Renewal Campaign". This 2-hour training session will guide you through all the steps necessary for preparing for a membership renewal drive using CiviCRM.
For a nonprofit, raising enough funds to do the most good is at the forefront of goal setting this new year. Direct and recurring donations have always been time-proven and effective ways to achieve this goal. But how can a nonprofit differentiate themselves and maximize the revenue available to aid their cause? Adding an e-commerce store with profitable products that both connect to your organization’s vision and add funds to fuel your efforts can be a game-changer.
The Core Team has been hard at work on the new Form Builder for CiviCRM. Code-named "Afform" (the Affable Administrative Angular Form Framework) - the project is growing into a robust app for composing forms for all different purposes.
Let's ring in the New Year by spinning some new hits and timeless classics for the dancefloor at this CiviCRM extension party.
//record scratching sound// Wait, what's an extension, you ask?
It's an add-on so your Civi can do more things in better ways.
Start the new year off by getting in shape with CiviCRM! Cividesk is offering one week of intensive online training for new users of CiviCRM. Take advantage of this special discounted offer if you sign up for four or more classes during the week.
CiviCRM version 5.21.0 is now out and ready to download.
This is a regular monthly release. It is also an Extended Security Release (ESR).
Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience: