Park Circle Film Society is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 micro-nonprofit in North Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Its mission is to enrich the community through film by:
We've just added a page detailing CiviCRM's security policy and release process. page is intended to help people identify how they can stay abreast of security updates, know when to expect them, and how to tell which release of CiviCRM to expect security fixes for.
It's starting to thaw here in DC now, so I'd like to bring you thoughts of spring—specifically a series of CiviCRM trainings to help you and your colleagues get the most out of your system. My colleague Jane Hanley and I are gearing up for a busy season of programs.
LTS release 4.2.16 is now on sourceforge. Unfortunately there is an error on some admin pages in 4.2.15 which happened because the porting of the security patch was rushed. Hopefully this won't occur in future. Note the job.create api has also been added to the LTS (this is extra code only - no existing code was altered to port this)
Have you ever needed to send an email from CiviCRM that includes a list of upcoming events? Then you know how much fun the copy/paste effort this entails, especially if you want to use a checksum in the links to register. Plus you know you get to repeat the whole exciting process for the next newsletter the following week or month.
This year's CiviCon will host an awesome line up of sessions, a free discovery track for those still evaluating CiviCRM, user/adminstrator trainings, and software and documentation sprints. Whether you're already using or considering using CiviCRM, the conference is packed with the essential presentations, workshops and people that will help your organisation get the most from CiviCRM.
A number of forum posts popped up over the last week+ with issues running the system cron job. The cron would report the user/password is incorrect and unable to authenticate, even though the credentials were correct. The issues started to arise around the time v4.4.4 was released so most people thought it was due to changes in that release.
If you don't know about the email processor, briefly it's a way to file emails into CiviCRM as activities, and less briefly, see (about half way down).
Wouldn't it be nice if Macilhimp was tightly integrated into CiviCRM?
Well, thanks to funding from Zing, work to better integrate CiviCRM to Mailchimp has begun.
We've put together the key functions we're aiming to deliver, taking on the existing integration built by Derek Williams @ Science Gallery.