
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
14 août 2009
par michalsujet
With every release, we're getting more and more support from the community. It definitely makes us happy and proud to see the adoption of CiviCRM growing. With 3.0 release, we would like to both encourage even more participation and say thank you to most active community contributors. Therefore, we're announcing Top Bug Hunter/Huntress Challenge in 3.0 release cycle! What do you need to do to participate? It's quite simple - just help us test CiviCRM 3.0 while it's in alpha and beta stage. You can do it in following ways: Log in to CiviCRM 3.0 public sandbox and try out your favourite features. If you find a problem, please report it on the appropriate board of our forum. Please remember to include clear description of the problem, steps to reproduce it, potentially error message or traceback information. Remember that sandbox data is periodically reset. Download the tarball and upgrade a copy of your site to 3.0 - let us know if you encounter any problems. This is an especially valuable contribution since we need to have the upgrade process tested on different sets of data. After you've done this, play around with your favourite features, with your local data. Problems appearing? Use the CiviCRM 3.0 alpha testing board on the forums to discuss problems and find answers! Go through the CiviCRM 3.0 Documentation, help us improve it and make it relevant to upcoming version before we reach beta state (estimated 3 weeks). It's a wiki, so after creating an account, you can fix problems and add missing information. If you're a developer and have PHP skills, you can submit a patch through our issue tracker. Just create an issue, attaching a patch file that fixes a problem you've discovered in the CiviCRM 3.0 codebase. We will be monitoring activity on the forum and in issues tracker over next few weeks. After we release CiviCRM 3.0 stable (which is planned to happen in around 4-6 weeks), core team members will evaluate community members activities and pick the most active person. The winner will be awarded with iPod touch 8 GB, with special dedication engraved on it. Another 4 most active people will win special CiviCRM t-shirts. Please take into consideration, that these t-shirts will be the first ones produced by the project and will definitely become a priceless collectible one day, when CiviCRM is The Open Source Solution for Non-profit Sector (even more than it's now). ;-) So - test away, see you on forums and in issue tracker! :-)
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13 août 2009
par lobo sujet Drupal, Schools

I've been working on customizing CiviCRM for my kids school. I documented how i exposed relationship information on a profile view in this blog post. In the past week i've also exposed "activities" and "a multiple record custom group" via profiles which i'll describe in this blog post. All this work was done via civicrm hooks and custom templates and run on CiviCRM v2.2.8.

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12 août 2009
par shot sujet CiviCRM
We’re happy to announce that CiviCRM 3.0.alpha2 is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember it’s an alpha release and it shouldn’t be used on production sites. Check out the blog entry on the previous alpha1 release for a run-down of what’s new in CiviCRM 3.0, and this list for issues that were fixed since 3.0.alpha1. A full list of changes, improvements and bug fixes in this release is also available on the wiki and in the issue tracker.
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11 août 2009
par cap10morgan sujet CiviCRM

A warning to CiviCRM Standalone users: Don't upgrade to PHP 5.3.0 just yet. It removes deprecated behavior that the OpenID library relies on. That means you won't be able to login if you upgrade to 5.3.0+. Going back to PHP 5.2.x fixes the issue.

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10 août 2009
par Eileen sujet CiviCRM, Finance and Accounting

I wasn't really sure when I wrote my first blog on accounts and CiviCRM whether it was a topic that would draw much interest but in fact I got a lot of really thoughtful comments and something of a blogathon took place. I have some ambition to write another piece summing up what I think has come out of the discussion - but in the meantime I want to pick up now on something Dave & I have talked about a little bit on the forums: invoice numbers.

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7 août 2009
par cap10morgan sujet CiviCRM

I just uploaded the first version of the Perl client module for the CiviCRM REST API. You can download it from CPAN here. This means you can now create, edit, delete, and retrieve (most of) your CiviCRM data from Perl scripts and programs. I'm using it to provide integration between the Perl CMS WebGUI and CiviCRM.

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7 août 2009
par avaguilar sujet Meetups
- Here's a report back from Sacha Stanton

The New York Meetup was a great success last night, as 33 people got a glimpse into upcoming releases, several case studies, and great open floor discussions. Dave Greenberg, core contributor, joined in via Skype video to provide insight into upcoming features and answering questions.

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5 août 2009
par Dave Greenberg sujet Meetups
The second SF Bay Area User Meetup was hosted last night by Wikia and Wikimedia Foundation folks (big claps). We had an excellent turnout (the room was packed) - with a nice mix of backgrounds ranging from prospective users to experienced folks and a few developers. The first part of the meeting featured 3 presentations: Case Study: Chez Panisse Foundation - Evaluating a CRM solution and the process of migrating to CiviCRM (Max La Riviere-Hedrick : Case Study: Generations Community Wellness: Donate Your Fat - Building a rich community engagement site on top of CiviCRM (Roberto Santiago : You can download Roberto's slides here. What's coming up in v3.0 (yours truly - with a great slideshow created by Brian Shaughnessy - Lighthouse Consulting and Design)
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5 août 2009
par michal sujet Drupal, Joomla

The day has come! We are excited to announce that our 3.0 ALPHA release is now available for download. You can also try it out on our sandbox site. Please remember it's an ALPHA release and it shouldn't be used on production sites.

This release introduces many new features, some of them really important, that's why we decided to start a new major number series in CiviCRM versioning. One of the most important new features is CiviReport, which is a completely new component for advanced reporting on your constituent data. Second significant change is a major user interface redesign with a goal of increasing usability. CiviEvent was also improved with waitlist functionality, pending status expirations, and an option for administrator approval for participants. A full list of changes, improvements and bug fixes in this release is available on the wiki and in the issue tracker.

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5 août 2009
par andrew sujet CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviMember, CiviReport, Finance and Accounting
This post started out as a reply to Eileen's "Banking Screen?" comment on my previous post on this topic, but by the time I was done, I thought that this warranted its own post. I think that the core "Accounts" or "Banking" functionality that could be helpful to Civi users without getting too out of control, is:
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