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4 août 2009
par Dave Greenberg sujet CiviCRM, Drupal, Joomla
The team has released version 2.2.8 today. This release includes an important security update for sites which use CiviCRM Profiles to collect and / or share contact data. We recommend that all sites install this upgrade as soon as possible. Details here: Affects Joomla! sites only Affects all sites using Profiles 2.2.8 also includes fixes for IE8 compatibility, some improvements in Views2 integration and approximately 30 other minor bug fixes. You can review a complete list of 2.2.8 changes on the issue tracker. Note that the IE8 fix causes the browser to run in IE7 compatibility mode for all CiviCRM pages.
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4 août 2009
par andrew sujet CiviContribute, CiviEvent, CiviPledge, CiviReport, CiviCRM, Finance and Accounting

We are finding that CiviCRM/accounts issues are becoming increasingly important for our clients, and Eileen's recent blogs and the discussion they are generating are a fantastic step towards helping find the best way for Civi to deal with financial transactions.

For example, I think it could be useful for Civi to ultimately develop functionality for maintaining simple bank accounts within CiviCRM, so that small organisations can maintain basic accounts without the headaches of integration with an external package.

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3 août 2009
par Eileen sujet CiviEvent, CiviCRM, Finance and Accounting

This is my second blog on the topic of integrating with CiviCRM with an accounting system. Those of you who haven't just run screaming from the room or suddenly discovered an urgent need to polish the inside of your car exhaust, re-organise your tupperware or push needles into your eyes ... read on.

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1 août 2009
par Eileen sujet CiviEvent, CiviCRM, Finance and Accounting

One of the areas that occasionally hits the forums is whether CiviCRM integrates with accounting systems. I've been giving a little thought to accounts integration lately and have now spent a bit of time poking around the Xero API and thinking about what I would do if I were to spent time trying to get CiviCRM talking to Xero. The content of this blog is mostly non-technical so if you can safely ignore the stuff about APIs if it doesn't mean anything to you.

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29 juillet 2009
par lobo sujet Architecture, Schools
I'm working on deploying CiviCRM for my kids school website. Part of the project requires us to expose the parent <-> child relationship information on the website and allow parents to edit their child information. I accomplished this using a combination of civicrm hooks, custom templates, permissioned relationships and custom code in a drupal module. You can access the module and template code here. The broad steps are: Implement hook_civicrm_pageRun for the profile view page (CRM_Profile_Page_Dynamic). Only implement this hook for the specific profile id's you want relationship information. In this case we have two profiles, a Parent Profile (gid=3) and a Student Profile (gid=4) The pageRun hook also adds the module's template directory to the smarty include path, so we dont have to set it globally. This also allow multiple modules to append different template directories to the template include path (check the function _sfschool_initialize) The hook gets either the parent or the child information using a custom query. We ensure that only permissioned parents can see their child information (in case of some complicated family structures). The queries are relatively simple at this stage, i suspect they will increase in complexity over the next few weeks The hook exposes the information gathered from the database to the smarty template The custom template (templates/CRM/Profile/Page/3/Dynamic.tpl) uses that information to display the relationship data on the page. I also edited the View.tpl template to eliminate the "Back to Listings" link.
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29 juillet 2009
par michalsujet

Yes, first item of business - the official announcement of news that has been showing up here and there already. The upcoming release, that was previously referred to as 2.3 has been renamed to 3.0. :-) After long discussions we decided that the return of CiviReport, together with many other changes and improvements that have been introduced in this release deserve a major version number.

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24 juillet 2009
par SarahGladstone sujet CiviCRM, Joomla

Currently Joomla + CiviCRM is great combination, except for a key missing feature: The ability to control the authorization rules for who can see what. ( Otherwise known as ACL )

To donate to this cause, visit the link:

Is it to much to ask that only the bookeeper can see the money? Currently anyone with access to the "Components" menu in the back-end of Joomla can see everything.

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20 juillet 2009
par rasantiago sujet Architecture
Some recent discussions and debates about Active Record and Data Mapper have popped up in the context of new architectural proposals for CiviCRM from Dharmatech and raSANTIAGO. We think it is important that the differences between each is known and to clarify what are some erroneous perceptions. This is not to claim that either design pattern is above criticism. It is to say, that there are some misperceptions that prevent a more intelligent discussion of the trade-offs between these two design patterns. Our hope is to bring some clarity to this discussion.
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15 juillet 2009
par dharmatech sujet Architecture
Current CiviCRM architecture pitfalls rasantiago has proposed a new CiviCRM architecture with details of the ORM layer. Torenware commented on the latter and mentioned some particular scalability issues.  Our own experience with the Active Record design pattern proposed by rasantiago is that it works well for small projects but doesn't scale well.  We believe that CiviCRM is now facing serious scaling problems in several areas, to wit:
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11 juillet 2009
par xaviersujet
You might want to display more information that those that are assigned by default in the template. My goal was to have a simple way of retrieving more information from civicrm than the ones available in the template, without having to modify the php code . For instance, I used it to display all the employees of an organisation from the profile that displays the organisation, or to display a list ofother contacts that live in the same country than the contact you're viewing. In London in the last training, we discussed about displaying the activities directly in the contact summary tab for instance.
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