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1 octobre 2008
par lobosujet

We have 4 more slots available for CiviCamp. CiviCamp will be held at Yahoo!'s San francisco offices (downtown, Sansome street, close to BART/Muni etc).

The CiviCamp agenda is on our wiki here: Some other details of the camp in prior blog posts

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26 septembre 2008
par shot sujet Drupal, Training

As most of the core CiviCRM team will be in San Francisco for this year’s Bay Area Drupal Camp, we’ve proposed two CiviCRM sessions: an introductory session on CiviCRM and its components for end-users, evaluators and administrators, and an advance

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24 septembre 2008
par Dave Greenbergsujet

We were planning on pushing out 2.1 stable this week - but a few too many "need to fix" issues surfaced (thanks to some dilegent community testers). So we've released a 6th Beta distribution this week and targeted stable release for next week. You can download 2.1 Beta 6 now on SourceForge.

If you are planning on using new 2.1 features AND / OR upgrading an existing site to 2.1 - NOW is the time to test the upgrade with YOUR DATA and identify any remaining issues with new or existing features. The development team will actively work with you resolve any upgrade issues during this phase of the release cycle. If you submitted bugs to the 2.1 queue and haven't yet confirmed the fixes - PLEASE take the time to retest now.

If you are unable to test the release by downloading it - then the next best thing is to try out the new features, bug fixes, as well as the workflows you use most often by logging in to the public demo.

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22 septembre 2008
par Dave Greenbergsujet
One of the many cool new features in 2.1 is the ability to view annual and monthly contribution totals in a bar or pie chart format by clicking a link on the CiviContribute dashboard. The charts are rendered by passing the contribution totals to Google's Chart API. We think this is a useful feature (at least for some folks). However, several folks on our team have noted that some organizations may not be comfortable with passing contribution totals to an external service over the internet. Given those concerns, we've added some help text which attempts to make things "transparent" - and including information about removing the link for folks who are concerned... IMPORTANT: This feature uses Google's public chart-drawing service. Your monthly and annual contribution totals will be sent over the internet to Google's servers. No contributor data is sent - only totals. However, if you are concerned about the privacy of your contribution totals - you should NOT use this feature. You can remove the link by editing the template file at templates/CRM/Contribution/Page/Dashboard.tpl. It would be helpful to get feedback from the community about how big a concern this is - and whether the explanation we've added to the help text (copied above) is clear.
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19 septembre 2008
par lobo sujet CiviCRM, Drupal, Joomla
Good news folks, we have a few folks interested in CiviCamp. So CiviCamp is confirmed for Oct 13-14, 2008 in San Francisco. CiviCamp is immediately after BADCamp. If you have not yet registered for BADCamp, please do so now (before it gets full!). We plan on restricting CiviCamp to 10 attendees (for space reasons). If you are interested please contact us soon (send me mail lobo at yahoo dot com, or leave a comment). There will be 6 CiviCRM core developers at CiviCamp! (Kurund, Deepak, Piotr, Yashodha, Dave, Lobo) Agenda and Goals The agenda and plans for CiviCamp is maintained here. If you are attending CiviCamp, please edit the agenda and include your goals. We hope to accomplish and add a few cool features and improvements to CiviCRM during CiviCamp. This is not a training event. We expect participants to have some combination of php5 / mysql5 / javascript / CiviCRM / Drupal / Joomla skills. Fees We will split up total costs incurred with the group participants. The costs are primarily to cover food and location rental (if any). Please post a comment to this post if you are interested and your availability on those dates. Also thoughts on what you'd like to get done in this camp would be appreciated :) Location CiviCamp will be held at the Yahoo! San Francisco location (downtown?). We will inform attendees of the address and directions.
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18 septembre 2008
par lobo sujet CiviCRM

So the good folks at USPIRG our continuing their support of CiviCRM and are sponsoring quite a few cool features for CiviCRM v2.2. In case you were not aware, they also sponsored quite a few cool features for 2.1.

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18 septembre 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet CiviCRM, Training
The Nonprofit Technology Network - NTEN - is holding it's annual conference in San Francisco next April. This is the largest annual gathering of the non-profit tech community in the U.S - and it's a great opportunity for folks in our CiviCRM community to connect and share and help promote CiviCRM. This year NTEN is using a new voting process to decide which sessions get included in the schedule. Three exciting CiviCRM-related sessions are on the "ballot" - thanks to David Geilhufe, Michelle Murrain (Non Profit Open Source Initiative), Sue Gardner (Wikimedia Foundation), Wes Morgan (Fund for the Public Interest), Rick Cohen (National Council of Nonprofit Associations), and Jeff Porter (Foundation for Prader-Willi Research). Even if you're not sure about attending NTC - help get these sessions on the schedule by taking a few minutes to vote for them. All you need to do is go to the linked pages below and click on the "stars": Anatomy of Open-source Fundraising - Wikimedia Foundation Events Management: Tales from the Trenches Selecting and Implementing Open Source Constituent Relationship Management: views from the trenches with CiviCRM, MPower & Sugar The New Peacebuilding Paradigm: Women in Connection x the Internet = Exponential Change Take a few minutes and VOTE NOW. It's a quick and easy way to "give back" and help CiviCRM grow and thrive.
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18 septembre 2008
par kurundsujet

It was an eventful period after beta 4. With excellent support from the community, we were able to identify and close quite a few trivial issues (and a few critical ones). The fifth 2.1 Beta distribution (probably last one before stable) is now available for download on SourceForge.

For all those eagerly waiting to being translation work on 2.1, we are now in "string freeze" - and the translation site has been updated with 2.1 files:

If you are planning on using new 2.1 features AND / OR upgrading an existing site to 2.1 - NOW is the time to test the upgrade with YOUR DATA and identify any remaining issues with new or existing features. The development team will actively work with you resolve any upgrade issues during this phase of the release cycle. If you are unable to test the release by downloading it - then the next best thing is to try out the new features, bug fixes, as well as the workflows you use most often by logging in to the public demo.

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15 septembre 2008
par lobo sujet CiviCRM, Drupal

The CiviCRM team will have pretty good representation at BADCamp in Berkeley on Oct 11/12. A few of our senior developers from India (Yashodha, Deepak and Kurund) will be in the Bay Area at that time. We are also hoping that either Michal or Piotr from Poland will join the party.

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12 septembre 2008
par mchapman2000 sujet CiviCRM, Drupal, Training

If you're going to be in Los Angeles for DrupalCamp this weekend, stop by the Sunday 3:00pm (or possibly 4:15pm) session on the beginners track for an Intro to CiviCRM. We'll cover basic some basic set-up, usage, and have a brief discussion about what makes CiviCRM different from other Drupal modules. Appropriate for Advanced Drupal users who are new to CiviCRM, or total newbies.

**EDIT: Time corrected, but watch the posted schedules at the Convention center to be sure.

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