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21 octobre 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet Training
We've begun our planning for CiviCRM trainings and meetups for 2009 - and we'd love to get feedback from folks in the community about interests and availability for these events ... We're considering three different types of events for the calendar: Advanced User Training - We held several 2-day sessions this year - focused on the skills needed to configure, customize and use CiviCRM advanced features. These sessions were well received - so we're planning on doing several more in 2009. Fees for these sessions are based on operating expenses. User Group Meetings - Half or full-day meetups where folks can share experiences and learnings, network, and discuss the future of the platform. Developer Camps - These 1 or 2 day sessions are "learn by doing" events where developers can work together with core team members on specific projects
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19 octobre 2008
par kurund sujet Architecture

Lately there has been lot of confusion using Name, Title/Label and Value. There is also a lot of inconsistency in code and database, hence we are planning to fix it in CiviCRM v2.x release.

Lets take an example of Participant Status, 'Registered'. In this case Name will be 'Registered', value will be an integer from 1..N (this depends on each install) and Label/title can be "Registered" or "I will come" etc. (or a localized version of the word/phrase).

Basic rules are:

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17 octobre 2008
par lobosujet

The API was a big topic at CiviCamp. We had a good discussion on the mistakes we made in the past and things we can do better going forward. Due to a variety of reasons (internal and external), the API migration between 1.9 and 2.0 was a disaster. We resolved to not let this happen in the future. Here are a few things we agreed upon

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15 octobre 2008
par lobo sujet CiviCRM, Drupal

We coded / migrated / bugfixed a few drupal modules as part of CiviCamp (blog reports here and here). We also decided to ship these modules with our 2.1 release. You can get the current version of these modules here. CiviCRM v2.1.2 will include the following drupal integration modules:

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14 octobre 2008
par shot sujet Training

Today was the second (and, unfortunately, last) day of the SF CiviCamp.

The day started with Rob Thorne’s presentation on using CiviCRM 1.x contacts as CCK fields and his work on CiviNode. Given that in the meantime all of CiviCRM, CCK and Views released version 2s, the outcome of the discussion was that it’s best to rewrite this code from scratch.

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13 octobre 2008
par deepak.srivastava sujet Training
CiviCamp day1 started with good number of participants with a total count of 14. We started with introduction and complaints about civicrm. Most of the complaints were about APIs, upgrades and support of previous versions. Discussions on APIs are scheduled for day2. Regarding upgrades it looked that older version (1.9 or below) generally have problems with upgrades since it requires some technical expertise.
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12 octobre 2008
par yashodha sujet Drupal, Training
Day 1

CiviCRM team members had the opportunity to attend the BADCamp Oct. (11/12) held in University of California, Berkley. We decided to sit through the lectures of our respective interests.

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6 octobre 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet Joomla
I'm happy to announce that we've finally gotten our act together and configured a complete public demo for the Joomla! version of CiviCRM 2.1. Joomla! users and integrators will finally be able to try out CiviCRM for Joomla! without going through the process of setting up their own site. We think this will be a good step forward in strengthening the Joomla! part of the CiviCRM community. The front-end demo site includes links to test-drive public-facing features: online contribution page membership signup page event info and registration page
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5 octobre 2008
par xavier sujet CiviMail


On every new CiviCRM install, I've had the same question about the difference between CiviCRM (the mass mailing module) and the send mail feature (from and individual contact and a search result). The question is when to use one or the other.

I understand than historically, these two features comes from both end of the spectrum, CiviCRM was made to send newsletters and bulk emails, and the send email is a replacement of sending a mail from your mail client. However, you can have a mailing list of a handful of contacts, and you can send "individual" emails to several dozen contacts.

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1 octobre 2008
par Dave Greenberg sujet CiviCRM, Drupal, Joomla
After more than 7 months of design, development and QA - the team is thrilled to announce the release of CiviCRM 2.1 Stable. You can download the release AND / OR try it out on our public demo site. 2.1 features a number of exciting new features, including... Joomla! 1.5 and Drupal 6 compatibility (CiviCRM 2.1 is NOT compatible with Drupal 5.x or Joomla! 1.0.x) Production-ready "standalone" version of CiviCRM (with thanks to U.S. PIRG) Contribution Pledges (back-office and self-service) Multi-language / single site support (with thanks to Google Summer of Code and the Joomla! team) Nesting (hierarchy) for groups (with thanks to U.S. PIRG) Contribution, participant and membership export improvements (with thanks to American Friends Service Committee) CiviCRM Home / Dashboard customization (with thanks to Frontline Defenders) Several usabiilty improvements including basic and quick search improvements (with thanks to CivicActions), and elimination of the annoying page reloads when entering contributions, memberships, and event registrations. FCKEdit and TinyMCE rich text editors Early-bird (date-based) discounts for events Multi-participant event registration Dedupe design and scalability improvements New tools for developers to extend and customize CiviCRM - including form hooks, adding PHP to custom fields, REST support for selected APIs, DB-driven menus and more. .... and 200+ more smaller improvements and bug fixes You can find Release Highlights here, and check out the resolved issues listing for details on the 570+ improvements and bug fixes. A big round of applause is due to all the folks who downloaded, tested and submitted bug reports during the 2.1 release cycle. The alpha and beta packages were downloaded more than 4,000 times . 250+ bugs and "improvements" were reported by community members and fixed by the team during the release cycle. A special shout-out goes to some of the "heroes" who made significant contributions through both design and testing of this release - Mark Burdett, Chris Burgess, Matt Chapman, Peter Davis, Father Shawn (Duncan), Xavier Dutoit, Tony Guzman, Dave Hansen-Lange, Eileen McNaughton, Wes Morgan, Chris Mott, Brian Shaughnessy, Cynthia Tarascio, Elin Waring. This is another huge increase improvement in community participation in bullet-proofing a release - and should help make this our highest quality release yet.
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