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11 mai 2009
par michaelmcandrew sujet Training

Registration is now open for the UK/Europe CiviCRM developer camp in London. We had a decent response from the survey and pretty excited about the camp.

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11 mai 2009
par Dave Greenberg sujet Documentation
The Book Sprint is over - and we met our goal: Zero to Book in 5 days. Reflecting on the process, I am incredibly moved by the dedication and commitment which everyone on the sprint team brought to the process. People came together with a rich mix of experience and perspectives - and an amazing spirit of collaboration. It was a personal honor for me to be a member of this incredible team! You can read the book online (in your browser) at: >> and you can download a PDF version of the complete book by clicking the Make PDF icon in the upper left corner of that screen. I am quite hopeful that this book will be a great resource both for current members of the CiviCRM community and for people who are evaluating whether CiviCRM might be a useful tool for their organizations. Please post your feedback and suggestions on the Documentation and Book section of the community forums.
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8 mai 2009
par lobo sujet CiviReport, CiviCRM, Drupal, Joomla
One of the reported shortcomings of CiviCRM has been the perceived "lack of reporting functionality". This is true to a large extent, but our hope was that most folks would either use Traditional reporting solutions: BIRT, Jasper Reports and/or Crystal Reports. We demoed an integration with BIRT a few releases back, but this did not get any traction. There are a couple of larger deployments that have built custom reports using BIRT and Jasper. Views2 and CiviCRM integration. However the lack of grouping / sub-total functionality has prevented this from being a complete reporting solution. This is also a drupal only solution Custom Drupal modules / Joomla components. Quite a few folks have gone down this path, but there has not been a lot of sharing of these reports within the community Based on the success of Custom Search, we decided that shipping CiviCRM with a few good reports was a good goal for 2.3. This initiated CiviReport - The Return. The goal was to build a simple code based reporting framework that we could use to write reports fairly quickly. The same interface would be exposed so other developers could contribute their custom reports to core (in a manner similar to custom search).
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8 mai 2009
par hallman sujet CiviCRM

I've combined my notes from the CiviCRM affinity group meeting and the user meeting and added notes from one conference session. In general, there were more people at the affinity group meeting this year than last year, more sessions that included CiviCRM, and I sensed more enthusiasm for CiviCRM. (One person told me she had been to the affinity group meeting and will be using CiviCRM.)

CiviCRM Affinity Group Meeting, April 26, 2009, at the NTEN conference, San Francisco, about 56 people

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7 mai 2009
par jalama sujet CiviEvent, CiviCRM

At the Developer camps on the 28th and 29th of April, 2009 (ie last week) one of the major tracks for all the breakout sessions was usability. Which is a major theme of the 2.3 version upgrade. In two of the groups I participated in we talked about the usability of the CiviEvent module from a an administrators perspective. One frustration that we decided need addressed was the 5 step wizard to create an event.

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7 mai 2009
par michal sujet CiviCRM, Documentation
Third day behind, pages count is 148 and raising. Actually, if we consider final format (size of pages) of the book, it would have 215 pages right now, but I'm using the count from temporarily generated PDF for sake of consistency with previous page count announcements from blog posts on day 1 and 2.
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6 mai 2009
par lobo sujet CiviCRM

We had a CiviCRM developer Camp on April 29th and 30th at Mitchell Kapor Foundation in downtown San Francisco. This was our largest developer camp with approx 25 attendees and 6 folks from the core team (Dave, Kurund, Deepak, Michal, Yashodha and me).

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6 mai 2009
par michal sujet CiviCRM, Documentation

Second day of the sprint behind - manual pages count is now 117. We started at 9am as day before and continued writing until lunch. When we were sleeping, our off-site editor Andy came through a few chapters and introduced quite a lot of propositions, remarks and edits - so it was not only writing new text, but also integrating fixes to whatever was written so far. Second day was also the first one when off-site authors started contributing their chunks of text to the book.

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5 mai 2009
par lobo sujet CiviCRM, Drupal
The CiviCRM team is planning to hold a UK and Europe developer camp and user meetup in the last week of June 23-27 (if you are interested in attending, please do take this survey.) A couple of months ago, we decided to run CiviCRM on the servers. Eating your own dog food does spur quite a bit of changes and tweaks to make the product a lot more usable :). For the event in the UK, we needed to accept payment in either euros or pounds. However we do not have multi-currency support within CiviEvent :( Once again, Drupal hooks and custom templates to the rescue. I implemented two hooks, the buildForm hook to set the currency in the config object
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5 mai 2009
par michal sujet CiviCRM, Documentation

Wow - to me personally, the first day of Book Sprint was quite a surprise. I knew there is a really cool and knowledgeable group of people here, and I also knew that getting away from everyday work really helps with focusing, but I just couldn't guess how productive this day will be.

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