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April 5, 2024
By dev-team Filed under Release announcements

CiviCRM version 5.72.0 is now ready to download. This is a regular monthly release. Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

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maart 23, 2024
By SYSTOPIA Filed under CiviCamp
There's only one week left to take advantage of Early Bird registration for CiviCamp Hamburg 2024!
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maart 20, 2024
By SYSTOPIA Filed under Extensions
What is the best way to let your supporters view and change their CiviCRM data? With our Extension of the Month series, we at SYSTOPIA would like to share some of our most useful extensions. This month, we are spotlighting Self-Service, a smart little addition to improve your constituent experience.
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maart 16, 2024
By joshFiled under

What’s this DocBot all about? Well, in short, it’s an AI-based bot that puts the end user, developer and system administrator documentation into a CiviCRM extension that allows fast, efficient Q&A style searches. Basically, it puts the entire CiviCRM documentation at your fingertips, providing answers and how-to style guidance in-app.

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maart 7, 2024
By dev-team Filed under Release announcements

CiviCRM version 5.71.0 is now ready to download. This is a regular monthly release. Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

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maart 5, 2024
By SYSTOPIA Filed under CiviCamp
The event page for the CiviCamp Hamburg 3-7 June 2024 is now online and can be reached under
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februari 29, 2024
By herbdool Filed under Backdrop, CiviCRM, Drupal
Drupal 7 has an end of life in January 2025, which means no more security updates. Over 40% of CiviCRM sites are still using Drupal 7. Site owners should have a plan to upgrade. There are a few options: Drupal 10, WordPress, Standalone, or Backdrop CMS. This post focuses on the last option, Backdrop CMS, going into the similarities, differences from Drupal 7 and how to upgrade.
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februari 27, 2024
By jamienovickFiled under

Well hello there CiviCRM community!

Your favourite open source CiviCRM needs your help! 

Every year Fundraising Magazine, the UK’s only printed magazine for professional charity fundraisers, conducts a survey to spotlight the best charity CRMs with data gathered from hundreds of different organisations.

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februari 24, 2024
By josh Filed under Community

It’s been a few months since Mathieu reworked version 1 of the contributor listing using SearchKit. You can see it in action at

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februari 23, 2024
By SYSTOPIA Filed under Extensions
CiviOffice makes it possible to use .docx files as document templates in CiviCRM.
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